“We’ll need more blankets before this night is out,” he said, starting for the bedroom. “I’ll grab some from the closet. They might be a bit musty, but better smelly than frigid.”

Not only was he stuck with an unwanted houseguest, but they’d be a lot closer as they huddled around the fire for warmth. What in the world were you supposed to do while snowed in with your ex? Okay, well, he knew what he wouldn’t mind doing....

That couldn’t—it wouldn’t happen. His teeth ground together. Stick with the plan, he reminded himself. Remain cool and detached.

With an armful of old blankets, he headed back to the living room. “I found these to keep us warm.”

“Do you really think we’ll need all of those? It’s pretty warm in here already with the fire.”

“For now. With the winds whipping around out there, the temperatures will plummet. The house will cool off quickly and you’ll appreciate some extra blankets.”

He stood rooted to the spot, watching as the light danced across her porcelain-like face. Most women looked better with a touch of makeup, but not Kara. She didn’t need any paint to enhance her wide green eyes, her pert little nose or those pouty lips that always drew his attention.

Not wanting to be called out for staring, he turned around to stoke the fire. Thinking it could use another log, he grabbed one from the dwindling stack.

“I better haul in some more wood to hold us over for the night,” he said, not relishing the thought.

“You can’t go out there. It’s too cold and windy. We can make do.”

“We don’t have enough logs to keep the fire going all night.”

“What about your knee? It won’t be good having it out in the cold.”

“You’ve certainly got that fussing and worrying bit down pat. Your daughter is very lucky to have you.” Jason couldn’t be sure, but by the way Kara ducked her head, he’d bet she was blushing. “Don’t be embarrassed about it.”

“I’m not.” She lifted her gaze to meet his. “I’ll fetch the wood. You’ve already done enough with getting dinner and cleaning up. It’s my turn to help out.”

Their gazes locked and held. At first there was a challenge in her eyes, as though she was tempting him to look away first, just as they’d done numerous times as kids. But then there was something more, something deeper. His breath lodged in his throat. He should turn away, but couldn’t.

He was entranced by her eyes, seeing not only their beauty but also a hint of pain. What had put it there? Was it him? Had he hurt her that deeply all those years ago when he’d taken off for the army?

He ran his hand over his short hair. His thoughts strayed back to his time in the military, with its camaraderie and the way it kept him on the go, not leaving him time to dwell on his past mistakes. Even in basic training, there hadn’t been anything they could taunt him with worse than what he’d already heard from his own drunken father.

Jason had worked his butt off, proving himself to the world. As his rank rose, his bruised ego gained strength. He was a soldier, an identity that had filled him with pride. And he’d been a damn good one...until he’d lost control. He’d let his dark side out. And the price had been devastating.

But how did he explain any of it to Kara? How did he open up to her and tell her that he was still groping around, trying to figure out how to keep his unsavory side under wraps?

Anxious for some physical labor, he headed for the door. “I’m the man. I should be the one getting the wood.”

“You’re the man?” Her fine brows lifted. “Where the heck did that come from?”

He sighed, realizing far too late that he’d said exactly the wrong thing. “I just meant that you’d want to stay inside next to the fire.”

Her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. Apparently that wasn’t the right thing to say, either. Why did it seem as if he suddenly couldn’t open his mouth without sticking his boot in it? Military life had been so much easier. He knew what was expected of him—follow orders and don’t complain. Being a civilian left him grasping for the right actions, the right words.

“Does the power outage constitute us being thrown back into the dark ages?” She planted her hands on her hips. “Me woman. You man. Let me hear you roar—”

“Hey, that isn’t what I meant.” He chuckled at the ridiculousness of this conversation. Definitely the wrong move, as Kara’s expression grew darker. “I was just trying to be nice. After your car accident, I figured the last thing you’d want to be doing tonight is stumbling around in the snow again.”

When the fury in her eyes dimmed, he breathed easier. “I’ll be right back.”

Sly got up from her spot on the couch. She stretched, before jumping down and running past him on the way to the door, where she stood up on her hind legs and pawed at the knob.

“Oh, no,” he said. “You aren’t going outside tonight. You’d blow away.”

“Here, Sly. Stay with me, sweetie.”

Jason’s shoulders tensed at the sound of Kara calling the cat by a name she used to call him.