With the bread buttered and the stew ladled into bowls, Jason returned to the living room. He couldn’t help but notice how Kara looked at home. Her hair was in disarray, and her cheeks were rosy, as though they’d just spent a lazy afternoon making love. His gaze drifted downward, catching sight of his plaid shirt with just enough buttons undone that when she leaned toward the cat he caught a glimpse of her lacy white bra. His mouth grew dry.

In some distant part of his brain, Jason knew he shouldn’t be staring, but the sight was too delicious to turn away. He never would have imagined that old flannel shirt could look sexy on anyone, but he doubted Kara could look bad in anything.

Every muscle in his body grew rigid and he swallowed hard. This wasn’t right. She shouldn’t be here. It would be way too easy to slip back into an old, comfortable routine with her. His gaze continued to drink in her beauty, impressing it upon his memory, because that was as much of her as he’d allow himself.

When she cleared her throat and straightened her top, his gaze jerked upward, meeting her jade-green eyes. He resisted the urge to tug on the collar of his T-shirt to let out the steam coming off his heated body.

“Here, take this,” he said, his voice gruffer than normal. He held out a bowl of hot stew. “I’ll— It’ll warm you up.”

“Thank you. Smells good.” She sat up, tucking her feet beneath her and reaching for the bowl and plate. “Is this homemade bread?” She sniffed it and ripped off a healthy chunk.

He nodded. “Just bought a bread machine.”

Sly leaped onto the sturdy coffee table and plopped down in front of him. Her piercing gold eyes seemed to question him about why she didn’t have her dinner, too.

“You’ll get yours in a sec,” he muttered, before leaning over and holding out a spoon for Kara. “Here.”

“The stew smells so good. I can’t wait to try some.”

She lifted a steaming spoonful, her full lips puckered. He couldn’t turn away as she blew on the spoon, then devoured the stew. He waited, wondering what she thought of his culinary skills. When she moaned in approval, his mind spiraled in a totally different direction. His hand tightened at his side. He needed to concentrate on anything other than this infernal effect she was having on him.

He glanced back at her. Her eyes were lit up, and his chest warmed at the sight. He struggled to maintain his outward composure. Then the tip of her tongue slipped out and licked her lips. His mouth grew dry as his mind filled with the most sizzling images. A frustrated groan swelled deep inside him as he continued to stare, mesmerized by her sensuous act. Thankfully he had just enough functioning brain cells to squelch the sound before Kara realized how much power she could still wield over him.

“This is excellent,” she said. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

An indignant meow sounded, drawing him back to reality. He glanced down at the annoyed feline. “I’ll go get yours.”

He strode past the glaring cat. Right now, food was the absolute last thought on Jason’s mind. The only thing he hungered for was Kara. This was going to be the longest night of his life.

If he intended to stick with his plan, his sole focus had to be on reopening the resort. Playing the friendly, considerate host was only going to get him in trouble. After all, he’d rescued her, sheltered her—heck, he’d even given her clothes to wear and a warm meal. No one could expect him to do more.

He needed to distance himself. He couldn’t let his desires run unchecked, because Kara wasn’t a casual-fling kind of girl. Of that he was certain. And with his past, marriage and children weren’t in the cards for him. Not with Kara, not with anyone.

He had to break this spell she had over him, for her sake as much as his own. Thinking of her as just another old friend wasn’t cutting it. Time for a new plan. When he returned to the living room, he’d start by reminding them both that their relationship was a professional one now...should she agree to stay on at the resort.


WITH THE STRAINED dinner over, Jason turned to Kara. She wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to him. Instead, she was crooning over the silly cat, which was lapping up her attention as it would warmed milk.

“Kara, it’s time we talked.”

She scratched behind the cat’s velvety ear. “With us stuck here, now probably isn’t the best time to get into something serious.”

“Might as well get it out of the way. There’s really no time to waste.”

She shot him a puzzled glance. He thought she’d have guessed he’d be extending her a job offer. After all, she’d worked her way up in the company and though he would have preferred it if things were different, she was a vital employee.

“Since you’re determined to talk,” she said, “get it over with.”

“I want you to stay on at the resort.” Her pencil-thin brows shot upward, but not giving her a chance to turn him down before he finished, he rushed on. “I want you to work for me as my assistant.”

Her mouth opened, but only air came out. Why did she look as though he’d just handed her a life sentence? Couldn’t she be the least bit happy, or appear interested?

“Say something,” he demanded, getting to his feet to put another log on the fire.

“I...I don’t know what to say. I thought you’d be replacing me, and I’d be moving on. A new town. A new job. A new life.”

Did he detect a hint of regret in her voice? Was she upset because he’d messed up her plans to get out of Pleasant Valley? Was this her chance to escape, and he was standing in her way?