His pace didn’t slow down. In fact, it might have sped up. “But where is the room for spontaneity and fun?”

She didn’t respond at first. She’d been so busy proving herself to her parents and her siblings that even though she didn’t have the same interests as them that she could still be a success.

When Leo stopped and turned a questioning look at her, she said, “Maybe I’m not the typical young person. So what if I don’t live for Friday nights out on the town with my friends, hitting all of the hot spots. And maybe I didn’t vacation in Monaco or sail the Mediterranean, but I’ve worked hard. I’ve accomplished a lot. If I hadn’t, you wouldn’t have hired me. Right?” When he didn’t immediately respond, she asked again, “Right?”

He sighed. “Right.”

“So then don’t diss my lists. You might live your life without the need for organization—but being the crown prince, I can’t see that lasting—but I need the lists. They make me feel like I have a handle on things. They make it possible for me not to stress out about everything.”

Leo looked at her like he was seeing a whole new side of her. “You really enjoy those lists?”

“I know it might be strange for a lot of people, but yes, I like my lists. I need my lists. If I follow my lists, they’ll get me where I need to go.”

“Hmm... Perhaps you should start a list of fun things.”

Now that was something she hadn’t considered before. A list of restaurants she’d like to try out. A list of locations she’d like to visit. She already had a list of movies and television shows that she’d like to watch but as yet hadn’t gotten around to them.

“So I’m forgiven?” Leo’s voice drew her from her thoughts.


“You know, for dragging you away from your work?”

“I still don’t even know why you drew my away.”

“Can I show you?”

“Well, considering Sylvie looked excited to do anything that you asked, I wouldn’t want to ruin it for her.” And secretly she was curious to know what was so important to him. “Let’s go.”

Hand in hand, he led her out to a waiting car. The driver opened the door for them. Before Bianca climbed in, she looked back at Leo. “You aren’t driving today?”

“I thought this would be easier.”

“Easier? Easier for what?”

“You’ll soon see.” A big smile lifted the corners of his mouth and lit up his eyes.

Whatever he was up to had him very excited. In fact, she’d never seen him this excited. She wouldn’t admit it, but his mood was contagious. After keeping her in suspense, he didn’t deserve to see her smile. Two could play this game.

As the unmarked sedan moved out through the service entrance of the palace, no paparazzi noticed their exit. It was rather freeing after seeing how the press camped at the front gates and clambered over the offic

ial flagged cars as they emerged from the palace grounds.

Bianca wondered what it was like to live under a microscope. She glanced over at the prince. He didn’t seem to let it get to him. But growing up in the spotlight must give him a different perspective versus someone like her who had lived a rather anonymous life.

A part of her felt sorry for him. Because not only were his greatest achievements on display for the whole world to see, but his failures and heartaches were all out there for people to criticize and dissect.

Maybe being a prince wasn’t all it was hyped up to be, but as she leaned back against the buttery soft black leather seat and stared out the window at the passing greenery that was quickly giving way to more buildings, more cars, more people, there were definitely some pluses to this life as well.

Bianca questioned him a couple more times about their destination, but he wouldn’t crack. And when the car pulled to a final stop and the driver got out to open their doors, she was confused. Leo donned a dark cap and sunglasses. He looked very mysterious.

She stepped out onto the asphalt, raised a hand to her forehead to block the bright sunlight and gazed around at big nondescript buildings.

She turned a questioning gaze to Leo. “You brought me to the warehouse district?”

He laughed. “Not exactly. Come with me and I’ll show you the magic that lurks inside.”

Magic and this place didn’t seem to go together, but she had to admit he had her full attention now. “Leo, what are we doing here?” And then a worrisome thought came to her. “You don’t want to move the princess’s after-party here, do you?”