His phone rang. He immediately answered it, hoping it was the news he’d been awaiting. And it was. By the time he disconnected the call, he had the perfect excuse to go see Bianca.

He set off with quick strides. With each step, his anticipation grew. He had a surprise for her. Something she was going to love.

* * *

“Come with me.”

Bianca glanced over her shoulder to find Leo standing in the doorway of the palace’s grand ballroom. Her fingers tightened around the stylus and her tablet. She was working on the setup for the reception—the best way to use the space available considering the large number of guests. They’d barely started.

“Hi.” She couldn’t help but smile. Every time he was around, a bubbly feeling sprang up inside her. “I can’t leave now. We’re working on some last-minute modifications to the layout of the reception.”

He walked up to her and glanced at the tentative setup on her tablet. “Looks good. Let’s go.”

He grabbed her hand and started walking. Bianca dug in her heels, refusing to move. When he noticed her resistance, he stopped and turned back to her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I told you I’m working.”

“I know and I’m sorry, but this just can’t wait.” His eyes pleaded with her to follow him.

“Wait? What are you talking about?”

“Just come with me.”

And then a worrisome thought came to mind. Was there some part of this royal wedding that she’d overlooked?

Her heart clenched with dread. There were so many moving parts to this wedding that it was tough staying on top of anything. But in the end, if she could handle this wedding, she could handle any wedding. The trick was getting the princess down the aisle and then onto the dance floor. It was only then that Bianca would be able to take her first easy breath.

“Tell me,” she said. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong.” A smile pulled at the corner of his lips. “In fact, something is very right.”

“But I need to finish here—”

“Sylvie,” Leo called out.

Immediately, Sylvie dropped what she was doing and rushed over to them. She stopped in front of Leo with rounded eyes and a timid smile. She noticeably swallowed before gazing up at him as though he were some sort of god. “Yes, Your Royal Highness?”

Leo took the tablet from Bianca and handed it over to her assistant. “Could you continue to work on setting up the room?”

“I... I...uh...um...yes.” Her eyes rounded like saucers. “Definitely. I’d be honored to, Your Highness.”

“Thank you.” Then he took Bianca by the hand and led her from the room.

“Leo, what are you doing?”

“We have to go. We don’t have a lot of time.”

“But I need to tell her what I have in mind for the changes.”

At last, he stopped and turned to her. “Do you have it written down?”


“Of course, you do.” He turned and keeping his hand clasped around hers, he headed for the door. “I bet you have your entire life planned out in one big list.”

She frowned at the back of his head. “Don’t make fun of the lists. They keep everything organized and on time.”