“What sort of problem?”

Giselle shook her head. “I can’t tell you. You have to come see.”

“Now?” He knew his sister could get excited about things, but something felt off here.

“Yes, now. Right now—”

“We’d be happy to help,” Bridgette interjected as though they were already a couple.

“Um, no. Sorry,” Giselle said. “This is delicate and only my brother can handle it.”

It was then that Leo glanced toward the interior doorway to find the butler waiting in the wings. His sister had planned this. And for once, he was grateful for his sister’s schemes.

“Then let’s go,” he said. Before walking off, he turned to Bridgette. “It was lovely meeting you. Thank you so much for making the journey here. Oscar will see you out.”

He turned and walked with his sister toward the door. They were just steps away from the hallway—

“Wait. That’s it?” Bridgette called out from behind him. “I got all dressed up for this? We didn’t even kiss. How are we supposed to get married if you won’t even kiss me?”

Giselle grabbed his arm. “Don’t you dare stop. If you saddle me with her as my sister-in-law, I will never speak to you again.”

Leo smothered a hearty chuckle as they set off down the hallway, but he couldn’t resist smiling. “So is there truly an emergency? Or did you simply feel sorry for me?”

Giselle shrugged once more. “There’s only so much anguish I can watch my brother endure.”

“You were watching us?”

“No. I mean I saw you through the doorway and then I inquired about your guest. When I found out it was Bridgette, I knew you were in trouble.”

“You know her?”

Giselle shrugged. “We’ve met up before at various events. I know all I want to about her and trust me, she’s not right for you.”

“Maybe I should have you sort through my stack of possible brides.”

Giselle stopped walking and frowned at him. “You’re making a mistake.”

“I’m not any happier about this than you are. But you know I have to marry in order to take the throne. They need to know there’s a good possibility of an heir. I am doing what is expected of me. I’ve put it off as long as I can.”

“You need to marry someone you love. Someone you trust. Someone who makes you smile.”

He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away. “That’s a luxury I can’t afford.”

“It’s a necessity you would be wise not to overlook.”

“Since when did you become an expert on marriage? You haven’t even said ‘I do’ yet.” He regretted the words as soon as they slipped past his lips.

Pain reflected in his sister’s eyes but in a blink, it was gone. “I have to go.”

“Giselle, I’m sorry—”

“Forget it.” She turned to walk away.

“What about the wedding?” he asked. “You know, the problem?”

“There isn’t one.”

And with that his sister marched off in the opposite direction. He knew she was upset with him and he would have to work on making it up to her.