“You think I’m silly.”

He shook his head. “Everyone is afraid of something.”

“That’s not true.” Her gaze searched his. “You aren’t afraid of anything.”

Oh, there was something he feared. But it wasn’t some eight-legged creature or the fangs of a reptile, no, what he feared went much deeper.

He feared having his heart broken again. He feared speaking too loudly—too harshly. The image of his father clutching his chest came to mind. If only he’d done what was asked of him—if he hadn’t made waves—then maybe his father would still be here with them. Not wanting to delve further into the subject, Leo didn’t correct her.

Using the flashlight app on his phone, he guided them through the tunnel until they came to a steel door with a keypad. He punched in the security code. The heavy door swung open with ease.

He stood aside and waved Bianca into the secure tunnel. He followed her, pausing to press the button for the door to swing shut behind them.

“We are safe now. No one can get in here.” He took the lead, using his memory to lead them to the lower level of the palace—the old portion that no one bothered with anymore.

They walked in silence. After a series of turns and a few flights of steps, they’d reached the end. Leo released the catch on the secret movable wall panel. It took some effort, but he finally got it open.

He’d just stepped out into the hallway when he heard: “Leopold. There you are.” He didn’t have to turn to know it was the queen. And she was none too happy with him.

He inhaled a deep breath and then turned. “Mother.”

It wasn’t just the queen facing him. There were a half-dozen royal guards behind her. This was bad. Very bad.

The queen turned to the guards and dismissed them. Once they were gone, she turned back to him. Anger lit up her eyes like little bolts of lightning.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“How did you even know about this passageway?”

She arched a penciled brow. “Leopold, there isn’t much around this palace that I don’t know about. I’ve known about the secret passageways since your father took me through them when we were first married. Did you really think I didn’t know about your adventures when you were a kid? I’d have thought you would have grown out of such things.”

“I didn’t have a choice today. The chase team was delayed and instead the paparazzi tracked us down. Do you really think it was a good idea to hang out and let them come up with whatever scandalous drivel sells their papers?”

“I suppose not. But did you stop to think about this before putting yourself in such a precarious position?” She didn’t wait for him to answer. “Taking off on a hot air balloon ride of all things when there is work waiting for you. Not to mention—”

Bianca stepped out of the shadows of the secret passageway and stood next to him. The queen’s gaze settled on Bianca as her frown grew deeper.

Leo cleared his throat. “I wanted to give Bianca a view of the land. And what better way than from above.”

The queen crossed her arms, as though preparing for war.

Leo rushed on. “It was a beautiful morning. But I’m sure Bianca has to get back to work.”

Bianca was spurred into motion. “I do. There’s a gown fitting shortly. I should go and make sure everything is on track.”

When Bianca went to move, the queen spoke up. “Not so fast. I would appreciate it if going forward you would curtail yourself to your work. That is what my son is paying you a fortune for, is it not?”

Leo considered telling his mother that technically he wasn’t paying Bianca much, but then he decided that information might work against them. His mother might use it as an excuse to send Bianca packing.

“I assure you, ma’am, that everything for the wedding is on track,” Bianca said before Leo could figure out the best way to placate his mother. “I have a checklist to keep us on a timely schedule.”

“I hope that list doesn’t include any fashions like that.” The queen gestured to Bianca’s white skinny capris and colorful top.

It wasn’t the first time his mother pointed out that Bianca’s fashion sense didn’t align with hers. The truth was Leo enjoyed Bianca’s colorful outfits. This palace certainly could stand to be brightened.

“I like Bianca’s sense of style,” Leo said, taking the heat off Bianca. “I’m hoping she’ll add color to the wedding.”
