And the next thing she knew, she was being helped inside the basket. Her heart raced. This was the experience of a lifetime. She was never going to forget this—or the very special man sharing this experience with her.


THIS WAS DEFINITELY one of his better ideas.

Leo stood at the edge of the basket as Bianca filmed the lush landscape with her phone. The truth was that he hadn’t noticed the passing scenery as he was entranced with the beautiful woman next to him.

Was it wrong that he was supposed to be looking for an appropriate wife and yet all he wanted to do was kiss Bianca? There was something about her—something that drew him to her. She filled his thoughts when he was supposed to be working, when he was supposed to be getting to know some young woman—he was always comparing them, and when he was alone at night, his thoughts were all about her.

He shoved aside his problems. Right now, all that mattered was making Bianca happy.

His gaze moved to her. The big smile on her face was brighter than the morning sun. And there was a gravitational pull to her that drew him close.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked.

She lowered her phone. “I can’t believe you did this.” Her eyes glittered with happiness. “It’s amazing. I love it. Thank you.”

Oblivious to the pilot firing the flame to keep them aloft, Leo leaned toward Bianca and pressed his lips to hers. It was a quick kiss, but it had a big effect on the pounding of his heart.

If only they didn’t have an audience, he would pull her into his arms and kiss her deeply and thoroughly. Her sweet, sweet kisses were addictive.

She pulled back and gazed up at him with her big round eyes. “What was that for?”

He shrugged, not sure what she was thinking. “Just seemed like the right thing to do in the moment.”

A hint of smile pulled at her berry-red lips as she turned her head to the magnificent view. He gazed at the distant horizon, but all he could see in his mind’s eye was Bianca.

All too soon the balloon lowered toward a large field not far from the palace grounds. The first touch-down was gentle. It was the second touch-down that jolted the basket and had Bianca reaching out to him to help steady her. He held on to the basket with one hand and placed an arm around her waist with the other arm. She melted into his side, her curves aligning with him as though they’d been made for each other. Her arm wrapped around him too as her other hand white-knuckled the edge of the basket.

When the basket came to a final rest, the relief was written all over Bianca’s face. The chase vehicle hadn’t caught up to them. Leo helped Bianca from the basket.

In the distance, they heard a vehicle approaching.

“That must be our ride,” Leo said.

“You think of everything.”

“I try.” He sent her a smile, hoping she’d send one back. And she did.

There was no way he wanted this morning to end. And then a thought came to him. As soon as they got back to the palace, they could share a leisurely brunch. He liked that idea. Anything that kept Bianca close by appealed to him.

When he turned back, he noticed the vehicle rushing toward them wasn’t a palace vehicle. And there were more vehicles behind it. When someone leaned out the passenger window and started yelling, Leo knew they were in trouble. Without his security team, they were in serious danger.

“Come with me.” Leo took her hand in his and headed for the wooded area.

“Leo, what are you doing?”

“That’s the paparazzi.” At least that’s who he hoped it was and not some anti-government group. “We have to go.”

For several moments they ran, moving through the thick underbrush. He knew where he was going. He just hoped the paparazzi didn’t know these woods.

“Leo?” Bianca called out in a breathy voice. “Leo, please stop.”

He came to a complete halt and turned to her. “Are you okay?”

“I... I just need to catch my breath.” She huffed and puffed. “I didn’t know we were going for a morning run.”

“I’m sorry.” He felt terrible that their wonderful excursion was ruined. “I never meant for this to happen. Sometimes I forget that I’m a target for headlines.”