“Leopold, don’t forget you are to have lunch with Elizabeth.” The queen arched a penciled brow.

“I haven’t forgotten. Plans have changed.” He was tired of his mother’s constant interference. Today, he was going to do what he wanted to do, not what he was expected to do. “Are you ready to go, Bianca?”

Bianca’s confused gaze moved between mother and son. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. That was a first.

A smile pulled at Leo’s lips. “We don’t want to be late.” He turned his attention to his mother. “Please excuse us.”

His mother looked exasperated. She waved them off.

Once out in the hallway, Bianca stepped in front of him. She glared at him. “Why did you interrupt my meeting with your mother?”

“I was doing you a favor.”

“A favor?” Her voice rose with agitation.

He took her hand in his. They moved swiftly down the hallway. It wasn’t until they were out of earshot of his mother that he stopped. Bianca yanked her hand free as she shot him another angry glare.

“I’d appreciate if you would let me do my job,” she said. “And we don’t have any plans.”

“That’s where you would be wrong.”

“No. I’m not.” She reached for her phone and ran her finger over the screen. Then she turned the phone to him. “See, I don’t have you on my calendar.”

“Then your calendar must be wrong.”

“My calendar is never wrong. It’s what keeps my life, my business, on track.”

He wasn’t going to argue the point. He had more important matters in mind. “My car is waiting for us. This way.”

“And if I refuse?”

“You’ll regret it. I promise you’re going to love this.” He could tell by the widening of her eyes that she was hooked.

* * *

Did he have to interrupt her meeting with the queen?

She’d just started to make some headway.

Bianca admitted that she might have pushed the queen hard, but someone had to stand up to her. Otherwise the queen was about to roll right over her daughter. It was Bianca’s job to make sure that didn’t happen.

When she went to speak to Leo, she realized he was already walking away. She rushed to catch up with him. His long legs took lengthy strides and she had to take two steps for every one of his.

“Do you mind telling me where we’re going?”

“Out.” He stopped and opened the door for her.

She stepped out into the cool morning air. The sun was shining in the cyan blue sky. There wasn’t a cloud in sight. It was going to be a beautiful day.

When Bianca lowered her gaze, she noticed a sleek black sports car sitting in the middle of the drive. It wasn’t a new model. This car was a classic but in mint condition. The top was down, revealing its black leather bucket seats. It looked perfect for cruising around and taking in the sights. Not that she had time for sightseeing.

As though Leo had read her thoughts, he moved to the car and opened the passenger side door for her. Just then her phone vibrated in her hand. Her breath hitched as she wondered if it was a message about the DNA results. She glanced at the phone, willing the results to be in—so she’d at last know if she was a true Bartolini...or not.

However, the text message on her phone was from Sylvie. The replacement linens were to be delivered that afternoon. Though it was good news so far as the wedding, she was still left wondering about the DNA results and how they would change her life.

“Bianca? Hey Bianca?”

She glanced up to find Leo waving at her. She pressed her lips into a firm line as she sent off a quick text to her assistant, thanking her for following up on the order.