“You do understand, don’t you?”

He didn’t say anything for a moment as though absorbing what she said. “So you would like to pretend like last night never happened?”

“Yes. Exactly.”

There was some emotion reflected in his eyes, but before she could define it, he blinked and his feelings were locked behind a wall of indifference.

“We will forget it ever happened.”

She held out her hand to him. “Then we have an agreement that our relationship will be nothing but business?”

His thumb stroked the back of her hand, sending tremors of yearning flooding her system. He looked at her with desire in those warm brown eyes.

“Be careful what you ask for,” he said. “You might end up regretting it.”

She was already regretting many things—none of which were spending those precious hours wrapped in his arms or tasting his addictive kisses. She was in trouble. Big trouble.

* * *

The week was getting away from him.

And nothing was going right.

First, the fact that his fling with Bianca was over before it’d really begun bothered him.

Second, his mother was on his case every chance she had, pushing him for the name of his chosen bride. There was little more than a week until his sister said “I do” and his engagement would be announced to the kingdom. His fate would be sealed.

And Leo was not ready. In the beginning, it’d appeared to be an easy enough task. Find a friendly woman whose goals aligned with his. They’d marry, he’d become king and the rest would hopefully fall into place. But somewhere along the way, the gravity of this decision had set in.

Maybe it was seeing how happy his sister was with William. Or maybe it was how happy he was in Bianca’s company. Or perhaps it was that magical night beneath the fireworks. Whatever it was, he couldn’t settle for mere tolerance of his wife. There had to be more...

His mind filled with the image of Bianca smiling and laughing. How it filled him with such warmth. He recalled their many meals together and though they’d started off discussing his sister’s wedding, they’d eventually end up on a far more personal note. Those were the sort of experiences he wanted to share with his wife. Was that asking too much?

But if he didn’t make a decision and soon, his mother would take the matter into her own hands. His hands clenched. This was an utterly impossible situation.

And he’d only compounded the matter by acting upon his growing feelings. How was he supposed to choose a wife when all he could think about was Bianca?

Leo frowned as it was now early Friday morning and he hadn’t seen or spoken to Bianca since their business lunch yesterday. She’d kept her word about their relationship being all business. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it at all. And that’s why he’d planned something special for them this morning.

Knowing Bianca was an early riser, he went to find her. It took a bit but he finally tracked her down in the library with his mother. It definitely wasn’t the ideal place to meet up with her, but he was determined to see her. His surprise couldn’t wait.

The doors were open and he slowed as he heard his mother’s voice.

“And why are we supposed to take your advice when you dress like—like that.”

Without missing a beat, Bianca spoke up. “Pardon me, ma’am. But this isn’t about my personal tastes. We’re talking about the princess and what she would like for her wedding. And I must say your daughter has exceptional tastes. She must take after you.”

“I, uh, thank you.” There was a slight pause as though Bianca’s compliment had knocked his mother off her game. But the queen was quick and she soon had the conversation back on track. “However, the princess will wear my wedding dress.”

He recognized the stern tone of his mother’s voice. She was in no mood to bend or be persuaded from her decision.

Leo stepped into the room. “There you are.” His gaze settled upon Bianca just as her mouth was opening to argue with his mother. “We have a meeting.”

“We do?”

