Bianca stopped pacing. She knew what needed to be done. The sooner, the better.

She headed out the door. She knew where to find Leo—in his royal office. On her way, she practiced what she’d say to him.

The clean-cut, always proper assistant stopped typing on his desktop and turned to her when she arrived. “May I help you?”

“I need to speak with the prince.”

In total sincerity, Michael asked, “Do you have an appointment?”

In her rush, she hadn’t thought of that. She didn’t usually have to see Leo during business hours. “No, I don’t. But this won’t take long.”

“I’m sorry. The prince has asked not to be disturbed.”

She wondered what that was all about. Did it have something to do with what had happened between them last night? Or did he normally ask for privacy while he worked?

She wanted to ask but it was none of her business. Instead she said, “Thank you.”

Just as she was about to turn away, Michael said, “I could give him a message.”

She shook her head. This was something that needed to be said in person. “I’ll speak with him later.”

She moved to the doorway and started down the hallway when she heard her name called out. She paused and turned to find Leo standing there.

He rushed to catch up with her. “Did you need to speak to me?”

“I did.”

“What did you need?” His voice and expression were neutral so she wasn’t able to figure out what he was thinking.

She glanced around as people passed through the spacious hallway. Offices lined both sides of the hallway. There was absolutely no privacy. “Not here.”

“Then come to my office.”

In his office, it’d be easier to stick to the matter at hand. She wouldn’t let herself get distracted with how good his lips felt pressed to hers—

She halted her meandering thoughts. This was what she feared would happen when they were together. She needed to make this meeting short and straight to the point.

“Let’s go.” Her stomach shivered with nerves, but that didn’t stop her from leveling her shoulders and following him.

Once they were in his office with the door closed, she turned to him, finding that he was standing closer than she’d been expecting. She swallowed hard. “It’s about last night—”

“I wanted to speak with you about that too.”

“You did?” Her gaze met his.

He nodded. “Yes. But you go first.”

This was it. All those practiced words fled her. And now she was left scrambling for a way to phrase this that would leave them in as good a place as possible.

Drawing upon the calm exterior she used for her wedding planner position, she lifted her chin just a bit. “Last was a mistake.”

“It was...”

Was that a question? Or was he in agreement? She wasn’t able to discern his intent. Her heart raced, pumping her body with nervous energy.

“I shouldn’t have let things get out of control,” she said.

“You think we are better off sticking to our working relationship?”