“And how about my sister’s dress?”

Bianca struggled to hide a smile. “She has that under control. No one is to see the dress. It is under lock and key in her suite of rooms. Only her and the dressmaker have access to it.”

“My mother must be having a fit.”

“I couldn’t say. But your sister appears quite pleased with her selection. She said it’s a real head turner.”

“Oh, no. I’m afraid to imagine.”

“Your mother said she won’t stand for anything inappropriate so she’s having her bridal gown resized for the princess.”

Leo didn’t bother hiding the fact that he rolled his eyes. “Those two are so stubborn. Should I be worried about my sister’s selection?”

“I can’t honestly say. I haven’t seen the dress. But your sister seems reasonable to me.”

“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

Now was the time for her to inquire about her compensation for planning the wedding, but how did one ask a prince if he’d followed through with what he’d promised her?

Hey, did you get a chance to call anyone? Um...do you want me to give you ideas—?

“It’s my turn.” Leo got up and moved to the desk in the next room, which looked to be his study. He returned with a laptop. “As soon as we came to an agreement, I had my people start on preliminary campaigns for your wedding business.”

“Wow. You are very efficient.” The words were already out of her mouth by the time she realized she wasn’t talking to just anyone. Heat rushed to her cheeks. Leo was a prince, the crown prince. Soon he would be ruling a nation. Of course, he would be on top of things.

“I have five different approaches for you to consider.” He acted as though she hadn’t just stuck her shimmery heels in her mouth. It made her like him even more.

They went over the different themes. First, flowers everywhere. Second, location shots of her family’s estate. Third, following an actual wedding. Fourth, a modern approach with romantic words for art. And last, her as the spokesperson and model.

The proposal was quite involved, more so than she’d ever imagined. “These are all so impressive. Would you mind if I took the night to consider them all?”

“Not at all. Take as long as you need.”

“It won’t take me long. It’s just that the busy day is catching up with me.”

“Of course. And I have some phone calls to return before I can call it a night.”

She gathered her things. His fingers brushed over hers as he attempted to help her. His touch was like a jolt of static electricity. The sensation raced up her arm and settled in her chest where her heart beat wildly. She’d never experienced anything like it before.

She didn’t remember moving to the door, but suddenly she was standing there. When she paused and turned back, Leo was standing right there next to her—closer than two business acquaintances and yet too far away for the perfect ending to an intimate dinner.

He didn’t say anything.

She stood perfectly still.

And then his gaze lowered to her mouth. Was he going to kiss her? Her heart tumbled in her chest. This moment was surreal. She, Bianca Bartolini, standing in a palace with a dashingly handsome prince standing before her. Not only had he prepared her dinner but now he might actually kiss her.

If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up. She was quite content to live the rest of her days in this delicious fantasy.

With her eyes, she willed him to her—like casting a spell over him. She knew it was ridiculous. Of course, it couldn’t work—

But then he was there. His lips pressing to hers. Her heart suspended its pounding in utter shock. Could this be happening? Was Prince Leo really kissing her?

But as his lips moved over hers, as his hands wrapped around her waist, as her body was instinctively drawn to his, as her feet felt as though they were floating, she knew that this moment was real. This moment—this kiss—it was something that she would remember for the rest of her life.

His kiss was gentle at first but as she opened herself up to him, he wanted more and so did she. As the blood warmed in her veins, her responses to him became bolder. A deep moan of ecstasy filled the air. Was that her? Or was it him? In that moment, it didn’t matter. Each was getting lost in this exquisitely sweet moment—
