He set the small table on the balcony. It was simple but cozy. He assured himself that it was nothing more than he would do for a friend. Then again, maybe not just any friend—

Knock. Knock.

He gave the table one last glance and then headed for the door. When he swung it open and found Bianca standing there, he told himself that his racing heart was due to rushing around to get ready for the evening. It had absolutely nothing to do with how beautiful Bianca looked that evening.

She was wearing a black dress that dipped at the neckline, giving a hint of her cleavage. The straps over her shoulders left her arms bare. A belt showed off her delicate waist. The skirt stopped a couple inches above her knees. And on her feet were black sandals.

She was a knockout. He swallowed hard, hoping his voice didn’t fail him. “You look amazing.”

Suddenly his dark-wash jeans and white oxford shirt seemed quite underwhelming. “I should have told you tonight would be casual. My apologies.” He moved to the side. “Come in.”

She stepped inside and looked around. “Is this your place?”

“It is.”

As she stepped to the center of the living room, she said, “It’s like a home within a home.”

“It’s my private space. It’s where I can unwind and be myself.”

“It’s very nice. And much more modern than the other parts of the palace.”

“How is your office? Is it to your liking?”

“Yes, thank you. I like it a lot.”

Things between them took on a nervous tension. He wondered if she was remembering their moment in the gardens. If they hadn’t been interrupted, things definitely would have escalated. Not wanting to make this evening more awkward, he pushed aside the though


He cleared his throat. “I apologize for being detained the last couple of days. Something urgent came up and it took all of my time.”

“No need to apologize. As a prince, your time must be constantly in high demand. And I was busy getting caught up on wedding details.”

He nodded in understanding. He was grateful she’d let him off the hook so easily. Though he was busy catching up on matters of state, as well as busy searching for a wife, he’d needed the time to gather his senses where Bianca was concerned. She was the wedding planner—nothing more.

“And thank you for hiring Sylvie.” Bianca’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “I think we’re going to work well together.” Then Bianca frowned. “Will she be joining us this evening? Should I have waited for her?”

“No. This dinner meeting is just for us. I think you have some information to share with me and I have some to share with you.”

“It sounds like this is going to be a very productive meal.”

“I hope so.”

He poured her a glass of white wine. He’d had two cases of each type of wine shipped from the Barto Vineyard. He wondered if she’d notice.

* * *

This had to be a dream.

A cozy dinner for two. Just her and a prince. A gorgeous, handsome, dashing prince. Definitely a dream.

And there was music playing in the background. There was the distinct moan of a saxophone floating ever so softly through the dimly lit room. If she were to close her eyes, it’d be so easy to imagine this was a date. A smile lifted her lips.

But this wasn’t a date. Far from it. Bianca’s eyes opened. This was a business dinner. She couldn’t let herself forget it. Just like she’d forgotten what they’d been talking about.

Her gaze met his expectant one. She glanced down, remembering the glass of wine in her hand. Oh, yes, she was supposed to sample the wine.

First, she swirled the wine, inhaling its fruity fragrance. And then she sipped it. Immediately a moan escaped her lips.