Bianca nodded. “That would be perfect.”

“I’ll see you then.” Giselle headed back inside. She paused next to her brother. “You have good taste. Just don’t go and scare her off.”

Leo arched a brow at his sister but didn’t say a word. Giselle giggled as she headed inside, leaving them alone in the moonlight.

He approached her. “You did well at dinner. My mother is not an easy woman.”

“But I don’t think she likes me.”

“I’ll let you in on a secret—I don’t think she likes many people. But give her time. She won’t be able to resist liking you.”

His words warmed a spot in Bianca’s chest. That warmth radiated up her neck and once again set her cheeks ablaze. She wasn’t one that normally blushed but there was something about being here—talking with Leo—being so close to him.

“I think you’re trying to put me at ease, but I know dealing with your mother over this wedding is not going to

be easy. She has her thoughts and they aren’t easily going to be swayed, but I intend to do my best. I can at least run interference for your sister. Your mother can yell at me—”

“My mother rarely raises her voice. It’s more along the lines of looks that could kill as well as a warning tone in her voice that makes people quiver.”

“Quiver, huh? Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Not a chance. Instead, I came out here to see if you’d like to stroll through the gardens with me.” He once again held his arm out to her. “Shall we?”

She loved his gentlemanly ways. The guys she’d dated didn’t do things like offer their arm, get her chair for her or open her car door. But Leo, he was definitely different.

She placed her hand in the crook of his arm and walked with him as they moved to the sweeping stone steps that led to the gardens. As they moved along the cobblestone walkway, she inhaled a sweet floral scent. It was delightful.

“This is beautiful. How big is it?”

“Every year, they expand it. I don’t know exactly how big it is. I just know that when I was little, it was fun to play in. But the head gardener wasn’t so happy when we veered off the path and trampled the plants.”

The thought of Leo as a young boy made her smile. “I bet he wasn’t that upset with you.”

“Oh, I think he was, but there wasn’t much he could do since I was a prince. And so we kept playing out here and getting in more trouble.”

“I can’t blame you. When I was young, my brother and sister would play with me among the grapevines at the vineyard. But it was nowhere near as fun as this winding garden path. There are so many hiding places.”

“There’s a lot more to Patazonia than the royal gardens. I hope to show you around while you’re here.” He stopped and turned to her. “You haven’t changed your mind about the wedding, have you?”

She shook her head. With him gazing into her eyes, her heart had leaped into her throat. Was that desire reflected in his eyes? The prince desired her? Her heart tumbled in her chest.

She didn’t know how long they stood there staring into each other’s eyes. It was like Leo had a gravitational force around him and she was being drawn in. Though she knew letting anything happen between them would be a mistake—compounding all of the other uncertainties in her life—she remained rooted to the spot in front of him.

Her heart raced as she found herself getting lost in his dark gaze. Her fingers tingled with the urge to reach out to him—

Someone cleared their throat. Loudly. Annoyingly.

And in that second, the connection dissipated. Bianca blinked and glanced away. Heat returned to her face. She was grateful she didn’t have to speak because she didn’t trust her tongue to work correctly.

Leo cleared his throat. “Yes, Michael. What is it?”

“You are needed, sir. The call from Canada.”

Leo sighed. “I’ll be right there.” Once the man moved on, Leo turned his full attention to her. “I’m sorry. I’ve been expecting this call all day.”

“I understand. You have important business to attend to.”

Reality had come crashing in on them. And none too soon. He was a royal prince. She was a wedding planner with an uncertain heritage. They did not belong together.