She’d stood in this very room before. It had been in her position as a wedding planner. She’d been nervous back then, too, but for a totally different reason.

Today she was the bride. The bride. A big smile pulled at her lips. The thought of being Leo’s wife excited her beyond belief. It was the responsibilities that went with the position that made her nervous, though she tried to hide it from everyone. Her self-doubts were still there, lurking in the background. She was about to become a princess. The thought stole her breath away.

Most of all, she was grateful that her rapidly expanding family was with her. She smiled as her gaze moved around the room. She’d be lost without their unfailing love and support.

“Love looks good on you.” Gia smiled.

“I’m truly happy.” Bianca’s gaze landed on her younger sister, who was glowing with happiness. “And I have a feeling it won’t be long until we’re at your wedding.”

Gia’s face filled with color as she glanced away.

“Gia, what aren’t you telling me? Are you already engaged?”

The color in her face deepened. “Not exactly.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Gia hesitated as though she was trying to figure out how to answer her. Just as Bianca was about to prompt her sister, Gia said, “We’ve talked about getting married.”


“That’s as far as it got. I’ve been busy working on remodeling houses and he’s been busy with his new algorithm.”

Bianca reached out and squeezed her sister’s hand. “He’s good for you. I see how you light up around him. Don’t put off the important things in life.” Her thoughts strayed to her parents and how life could be so unexpected.

The smile fell from Gia’s face. “You aren’t the only one thinking of Mamma and Papá today.” She swiped at her eyes. “But I think they’re here. I can see Papá when Enzo smiles. And I see Mamma in your eyes.”

“And I see both of them in you. The patience you have is so like Papá. And your talent for making everything look perfect is just like Mamma.”

“What have we missed?” Enzo stepped up to them with his new bride.

Enzo and Sylvie had had a small ceremony at the villa as soon as Gia had completed the renovations. Instead of being here at Bianca’s wedding, they should be off on their much-deserved honeymoon. But they’d delayed their departure until after the New Year. They both agreed that there was nowhere else in the world they’d want to be right now.

Sylvie had officially given up her wedding planner business. With Enzo’s encouragement she was following her dreams and designing wedding dresses full-time. In fact, Bianca was wearing a Sylvie Original.

Bianca made sure to tell everyone that Sylvie was a rising star. Orders were already pouring in after seeing a few of Sylvie’s designs. Just wait until the world saw Bianca’s royal wedding gown.

“You just missed our little sister getting worked up,” Bianca lightly teased her brother.

“I was not,” Gia said as if by instinct. “Okay. Maybe a little. It’s just that our little family is growing. And Mamma and Papá aren’t here to see it.”

“They’re here,” Enzo said. “They’re definitely here.”

With that, the door opened and the royal wedding planner stepped into the room. “Everyone out. Except you—” she pointed to Bianca “—and you.” She pointed to Enzo, who was to walk her down the aisle. “The ceremony is about to begin.”

Bianca hugged Gia and then she hugged Sylvie.

“Oh!” Sylvie paused.

“Is something wrong?” Enzo was by her side instantly.

Sylvie smiled. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is right. That was just our little football player in there, letting me know he’s awake.”

“It’s a boy?” Bianca and Gia asked simultaneously.

“Oops.” She glanced at her husband. “I thought you told them.”

He shook his head. “I didn’t get a chance with all of the wedding stuff.”