He peered deep into her eyes, making her heart beat faster. “I have an apartment upstairs. No matter what you or the baby need, I will be here. Day or night.”

“But...but you can’t do that. What about your life? Your dreams?”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. My dreams revolve around you.” He stepped closer. “I’m sorry for how I handled things. It took my sisters and my parents to point out the mistakes I’ve been making. I’ve talked to my sisters about the past, like you suggested.”

Hope swelled in her chest. “How did it go?”

“It wasn’t easy, but just like you predicted, they forgave me.”

“I’m so happy to hear that.”

“And now it’s time I apologize to you, for being such a fool.” He stared deep into her eyes, making her heart pound. “I’ve made one mistake after the next and I probably don’t deserve a second chance, but I’ve learned my lesson and I promise I’m going to be honest with you and support you, no matter what. And I’ll always be there for our little one.”

He was saying all the right words. Perhaps she should say something, too, but she didn’t want to interrupt him, not when she had the feeling he was about to tell her something very important.

“Sylvie, I love you.” Her heart swooned as he continued. “I think I’ve loved you since you arrived in Tuscany. How could I not with your glowing smile and infectious laugh? You light up my days like no one else has ever done. And without you in my life, it’s all shades of gray.”

She stared into his eyes, making sure she hadn’t just imagined the words he’d spoken. But his eyes showed his love. “I love you, too.”

He let out a visible breath. “I was hoping you’d say that. You don’t know how worried I was that I’d screwed up everything.”

“You didn’t screw anything up. Things are working out just like I always imagined they would.”

He leaned toward her just as she lifted up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. Tears of joy dampened her eyes. Right now she wa

s a trembling ball of excitement. Her dream was coming true. And then much too soon, Enzo pulled back.

“Hold that thought. I have one more surprise.” He pulled a small remote from his pocket. With the press of a button, a dazzling array white lights in a star pattern moved across the ceiling and walls. He held out a hand to her. “Would you dance with me?”

She nodded, afraid words would fail her. She placed her hand in his and he pulled her close. Her heart was pounding so hard in her ears that she couldn’t hear the music. She followed Enzo’s lead as they made their way around the floor.

This was what her mother had always meant about finding that one great love in your life. Sylvie never could have guessed it would feel this good. She was head over heels in love.

When the music stopped, Enzo dropped to one knee just like in a movie. “Sylvie, I haven’t always said the right thing or done the right thing, but I hope you’ll be able to see past my mistakes and know that I love you with all of my heart.” He reached in his jacket pocket and held a diamond ring out to her. “Will you do me the greatest honor of being my partner in life?”

Tears of joy clouded her eyes. She blinked because she didn’t want to miss any of this. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He slipped the ring on her trembling finger and then he straightened. He smiled at her as she swiped away her happy tears. “How did I get to be so lucky?”

“I’m the lucky one to have you in my life.”

“But where will we live? Your apartment? Or mine?”

He smiled. “Wherever you want, but I do know of this villa and vineyard that would be perfect for a growing family.”

“Really?” She felt so very blessed in that moment and hoped her mother was looking down over her, seeing her get her happily-ever-after.

He nodded. And then he leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers.


Kingdom of Patazonia, December 20


The big day had arrived.

Bianca Bartolini’s stomach shivered with nerves. She stood in the preparation room in the Grand Cathedral of Patazonia surrounded by the family she’d been born into and those she chose to call family. And as much as she wished her parents were here, she knew they were watching down over her. Of that, she was certain.