SHE MISSED HIS smile and the warmth of his deep laugh.

She missed the estate with its picturesque rolling hills and the horses.

She missed all of it.

Sylvie stuffed the sad thoughts to the back of her mind. That was her past. This was her future. It had been a week since she’d turned down Enzo’s marriage proposal.

But was it a proposal? Not really. Traditionally, it would involve popping the question and he hadn’t asked her anything. Enzo’s mention of marriage was more akin to suggesting a restaurant for dinner.

A marriage proposal should be filled with emotion. Love should be mentioned—in fact, it should take center stage. It didn’t have to be delivered on bended knee. A ring would be nice but not a requirement. However, for her the love part was nonnegotiable.


Sylvie turned from where she was washing her lunch dishes. She didn’t have to answer the door to know who was on the other side of it. The delivery guy from the florist downstairs.

Every day that week, Enzo had sent her flowers with little messages.

The first had said I’m sorry.

The next had said I want to make things up to you.

Each new bouquet came with a note:

I’m working on a surprise.

Please give me another chance.

It won’t be much longer.

And finally...

I miss you.

She had to admit it was like getting pieces of a love letter. She grew anxious to know what today’s message would be. She realized that a true love letter should say he loved her and so far that hadn’t been the case.

She moved to the door and opened it. There stood Vincenzo, who worked downstairs in the flower shop. He was the owner’s grandson, who was planning to one day take over the family business.

He smiled. “These are for you.”

She accepted the red rosebuds. She paused to sniff them. They made her smile. Red roses meant love. Was Enzo working up to tell her he loved her?

She turned and paused, trying to figure out where to put them. “You do know I’m starting to run out of room.”

“I think the guy has it really bad for you. Maybe you should give him another chance.”

She had to admit the flowers were wearing down her resolve, but she had to wonder when Enzo was going to make his plea in person. “I just might do that.”

She was anxious for Vincenzo to go. She wanted to read the attached card in private, even though Vincenzo was the one who had written it and attached it to the bouquet.

Vincenzo hesitated as though he wanted to say more, then he wished her a good day and moved on.

Sylvie closed the door before rushing over to the small kitchen table. She placed the vase on the counter and then reached for the envelope. With each bouquet and note, she felt her excitement rise. What would he say today?

She opened the little envelope and pulled out the card.

The surprise is ready. Below is the address and time. Please come.