omething then. But I was...afraid.”

Another awkward silence filled the air. What were they thinking? Would they understand? Or would they remain angry with him?


Enzo inwardly groaned. Now wasn’t the time for interruptions. He needed to work this out with his sisters—sisters who were being unusually quiet. It wasn’t a good sign.

Bianca jumped up. “I think it’s Mr. Caruso.”

“What’s the family attorney doing here?” Enzo asked. And then a thought came to him. “Does this have to do with the sale of the estate?”

“I don’t know,” Bianca said. “He called earlier and asked if he could drop by.”

“Do you think it’s something bad?” Gia asked as they all moved toward the front door.

No one answered her question. Enzo hoped Gia was wrong. They’d already had enough bad stuff to last a lifetime.

Bianca swung the door open and greeted Mr. Caruso. His face was pale and drawn as though he had a matter of great importance weighing on his mind.

After they ushered him into Enzo’s office because the living room was still a bit disheveled from their guests, Enzo turned to the older man. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know quite how this happened.” Mr. Caruso started to pace. “It really shouldn’t have happened. In all my years as an attorney, I’ve never seen something like this.” The man’s words were rushed.

“Sit down.” Gia guided him over to a chair. As she stood behind the chair as the man took a seat, she raised her brows at her siblings. She then moved to a nearby chair to sit down.

Mr. Caruso clutched his leather satchel with both arms. “I’m so sorry. I had to replace my assistant a while back and it took a few candidates until I found one that was a good fit. I don’t know if it happened then or what—”

“It’s okay.” Enzo sat behind what had been their father’s desk. “Just tell us the problem and we’ll go from there.”

Mr. Caruso searched through his satchel and pulled out a legal-size envelope. He held it up. “This was supposed to have been with your parents’ will. Somehow it got misplaced.”

“What is it?” Enzo hesitantly asked, wondering if it was yet another bombshell.

Gia frowned. “We’re not sure we want to learn any more family secrets.”

“I agree,” Bianca chimed in. “It’s been a roller-coaster year. Maybe you should just keep whatever that is.”

Mr. Caruso looked perplexed. “I... I can’t do that.” He stood and held out the envelope to no one in particular. “Who should I give it to?”

Neither Enzo nor his sisters reached for it.

Mr. Caruso placed the envelope on the edge of the desk. “I’ll just leave it here until one of you feels like reading it. Again, I’m so sorry about this.”

Not one of the three of them spoke. They sat there staring at the envelope as though at any moment it was going to explode. Dread consumed Enzo. Hadn’t they already been through enough?

“I’ll see myself out.” Mr. Caruso made a hasty departure.

Enzo wasn’t sure how long they just sat there staring at the envelope wondering what bit of dynamite it contained. Would reading it once again blow apart their worlds?

Gia sat forward. “This is ridiculous. We can’t pretend we don’t know it exists. And we can’t spend the next year or so wondering what it says.”

Enzo cleared his throat. “I agree.” He turned his attention to Bianca. “If we’re going to do this, it needs to be unanimous. What do you say?”

Bianca hesitated before she nodded in agreement. Gia did the same.

Enzo reached for the envelope. Across the front, each of their names were printed in their father’s handwriting. Enzo’s gut twisted into a knot.

Here we go again.