They talked for a little more about the baby and Enzo. Both Bianca and Gia encouraged her to give Enzo some more time. They were certain once he got over the shock that things would look different for both of them.

“I can’t stay here and hope he’ll fall in love with me.” Sylvie took a step toward the doorway. “I have to go make a life for the baby and myself.”

Concern filled Bianca’s gaze. “Isn’t there anything we can say to get you to stay? I’m sure Enzo will want to see you and thank you for all you did.”

Sylvie shook her head. “It’s best I go.”

And with that, she walked away, feeling as though she were leaving a part of her behind—her heart. But Enzo had made his decision. When Vito had called to let her know the wildfire was threatening the estate, he’d told her that Enzo was meeting with the buyer to sign the sales agreement. Nothing had changed Enzo’s mind about staying here—not her and not the baby.


LEAVING THIS TIME was harder than the first time.

Sylvie packed her few things in her bag. She couldn’t help feeling things with Enzo were going to get more complicated before they figured out a way to peacefully co-parent. She didn’t even know what that would be like if he were to move to France, but for their child’s sake, they’d figure it out.

It was then that she realized she was folding and refolding the same shirt because there was a part of her that was hoping to see Enzo before she left. Though another part insisted it would be easier on everyone if she quietly slipped away. His sisters would be here for him. With that thought in mind, she hurriedly placed the rest of her clothes in the bag and zipped it.


Sylvie figured it was Bianca or Gia, who were once more going to try and convince her to stay. “Come in.” At that point she realized she’d forgot her sunglasses on top of the chest of drawers. She turned to retrieve them, confident that at last she had gathered all of her things. She turned back around, surprised to find Enzo standing just inside the doorway. “Enzo, you’re back.”

He nodded. It was then she noticed the dark streaks of soot on his face, his scattered hair and his disheveled clothes. “My sisters told me you were getting ready to leave. Weren’t you even going to stick around and say hello before you left?”

Her gaze searched his. What was he trying to say? Was he disappointed she was trying to avoid him? Or was that just wishful thinking on her part?

“I... I didn’t want to get in the way.” She glanced down at her bag, opening the side pocket to place her

sunglasses inside. “I’m sure you have a lot of catching up to do with your sisters.”

“Do you even want to know how the estate faired?”

Immediately, her gaze rose to meet his. “Of course. Were you able to save it all?”

He shook his head. There was a torrent of emotions in his eyes but she wasn’t able to distinguish one from the other. He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. “We lost some vines.”

“I’m sorry.” She truly was sorry. “Hopefully, they can be replanted.”

He nodded. “It’ll take time but it’s doable.”

“I’m sure the new owner will be relieved.” She lifted her bag and swung the strap over her shoulder. It was time to make a quick exit while she still had her emotions in check.

“Sylvie, there isn’t going to be a new owner.”

“There isn’t? But I thought the papers had been signed.”

“I got called away before we signed the papers. You might say the whole deal went up in flames.” A half smile pulled at his lips.

Her heart was pounding. What did this mean? She refused to jump to conclusions. She wasn’t going to get her hopes up just to have them dashed. After all, there was a baby counting on her to get this right.

“You could stay on, here at the estate,” he said.

She shook her head. “I need to return to Florence and continue searching for a new job.”

“And the baby?”

“I would never keep you away from him or her. Florence isn’t that far away. I’m sure we can work out a visitation schedule.”

“You won’t reconsider staying here?”