“I’m not leaving you out here alone.”

“Have I told you lately how stubborn you are?” Then Enzo’s gaze met Vito’s. His voice softened. “Thank you for always being there.”

“I’m not the only one who cares about you. I’ve seen the way Sylvie looks at you. It’s the way my Anna looks at me.”

He shook his head. “It’s never going to work out.” Not the romantic way. Even if the thought tempted him, he knew he’d ruined his chances with her. “She’s gone.”

“But it doesn’t mean she can’t come back. If you were to talk to her—tell her how you feel.”

“Vito, now isn’t the time.”

His old friend nodded. “Just don’t give up, on the estate or on Sylvie.”

“I can’t think about any of that now.” Enzo turned back to the nightmare unfolding before him.

“I hope they’re able to stop the fire before it reaches us.”

“Me, too.” Enzo didn’t know why it should mean anything to him. After all, he was about to walk away from it. But he couldn’t dismiss all the memories lurking all over the grounds. From birthday dinners that his mother had planned to his father teaching Enzo when he wasn’t much more than a toddler about the soil and grapes.

For so long he hadn’t wanted to relive those moments—the real moments that weren’t tainted by lies. But Sylvie had slowly pulled back his blinders, seeing what had always been there in front of him. Family, happiness, anger, love and history. Theirs hadn’t been a perfect family like he’d wanted to believe, but through it all, he’d felt loved.

“You know, for a man who doesn’t care about the vineyard, you are fighting awfully hard to save it.” And with that said, Vito walked off to check on the other men.

Enzo wanted to dismiss Vito’s words, but as he got back to work, Vito’s words haunted him. Why was he out here giving it his all? Why hadn’t he paused for just two seconds to sign the sales agreement instead of springing out of the chair and rushing out the door as though the flames were licking at his heels?

How did Vito see through Enzo? It was like the older man was telling him what he was afraid to admit to himself. In that moment Enzo finally acknowledged what his heart had known all along—he loved this estate with all its happy and sad memories because when they came together, it made for a life of loving and caring. And he loved Sylvie—even if he’d fought it for months because he was scared of letting himself become vulnerable once more and being hurt by someone else he cared about. And he loved the baby—even though he knew he was going to make mistakes along the way and not always have the answers.

Still, he wanted a second chance to make the estate a loving home for their baby—a second chance to show Sylvie just how much she meant to him. But was it too late for all of that?



Was he safe from the fire?

Sylvie sent up a prayer for his safety, as well as all the others out on the front lines. She’d just finished cleaning up after the midday food rush. In just a few minutes it’d be time to start preparing dinner.

She couldn’t help but feel she wasn’t doing enough. Her hand moved to her midsection; she had precious cargo on board that she had to make her priority. No one knew about the baby yet but Enzo. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to tell people—she

did. She was so excited about the baby, but there was a part of her waiting until she’d worked out things with Enzo before she spread the joyous news.

As she stood on the veranda, her favorite spot in the villa, she noticed the smoke in the distance was practically gone. She squinted. Was that right? Was the fire diminishing? Hope swelled in her chest. For the past three days that was what she and everyone else at the Bartolini estate had been praying for. Had their prayers finally been answered?

But they weren’t the only ones praying. Bianca and Gia were, too. Both sisters had dropped everything and flown in immediately following Sylvie’s call. All three of them, along with Vito’s wife, had been working side by side in the kitchen, making sure everyone was fed and as comfortable as was possible under the circumstances.

“Did you hear the news?” Bianca rushed out onto the veranda, all smiles.

“News?” Sylvie hadn’t heard anything. As soon as the kitchen was squared away, she’d slipped out here for a little quiet time.

“The best news.” Gia stepped up beside her sister.

They may only be half-sisters according to biology, but their facial features were similar, from the set of their eyes to their pert noses and full lips. And their relationship was so close that they could finish each other’s sentences.

The news of Gia’s conception had undoubtedly been devastating, but it appeared the sisters had recovered and were closer than ever. Now, if only Enzo would come around, maybe he wouldn’t be in such a rush to put all of this behind him.

Anxious to know the news, Sylvie said, “Well, don’t just smile at me, tell me what’s happening. Is it the fire? Is it out?”

“Not out,” Bianca said, the smile slipping from her face.