With a lull in the crowd, she paused to consider how someone could carve stone with such detail. It was truly amazing. It would definitely take a lot of talent and strength as well as imagination. She wondered if people doubted Michelangelo’s talents in the beginning. Did his parents encourage him to do something more traditional with his life—like blacksmithing? Or did they encourage him to follow his dreams?

She thought of her loving mother, who’d always wanted the best for Sylvie. She’d thought Sylvie had talent designing wedding dresses but believed it took more than talent to make it in this sometimes challenging world they lived in. And so her mother had encouraged her to find a more traditional career. Sylvie had heeded her mother’s cautious words, but she couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if she’d been brave and followed her dreams.

Sylvie turned to Enzo. “Thank you for bringing me here. I will never forget this day.”

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to say to you and for one reason or another, I’ve kept putting it off.” His sincere gaze met hers. He drew in a visible breath. “I’m sorry for how I acted after Paris. It wasn’t right. I tried to blame you and it was so wrong. The truth is the night meant more to me than I was willing to admit. I made every excuse possible to avoid dealing with those feelings. Thank you for not giving up on me and giving me time to get my head screwed on straight.”

His words touched her heart, making it flutter in her chest. She wasn’t quite sure what he was trying to tell her. A part of her wanted to delve deeper into this subject, but the other part of her didn’t want to ruin this moment. As hard as it was for her, she believed it was best for both of them to accept what he was willing to give and not push for more. But that didn’t mean she didn’t owe him an apology, as well.

“I’m sorry, too.” She glanced back at the famous statue as emotions churned within her. “I was freaked out, too, after Paris. I never expected things to go in that direction. And then I thought you were mad at me, which made everything worse.” She chanced a glance in his direction. “I don’t normally act so bold.”

A smile played at the corner of his lips. “I like that bold side of you.”

“You do?”

He nodded. “Bold looks good on you.”

She smiled, too. His gaze caught and held hers. Her heart pounded in her chest. It was so loud it echoed in her ears. How was it possible this man could have such a powerful draw over her?

“About last night—”

“We were both exhausted,” she said. “There’s nothing more that needs said about it.”

His gaze searched hers. “You don’t think less of me?”

“No. I think you’re a very caring brother and friend.”

And then his gaze noticeably lowered to her lips. Was he going to kiss her right here in front of all these people? She didn’t care who watched. All she cared about was being in his arms once more.

Her heart thumped harder and faster with each passing moment. The background faded away. In that moment it was just the two of them—

Someone bumped into Sylvie. She landed against Enzo’s muscular chest. Jarred from the magical spell that had been spun over them, Sylvie jumped back. They both turned to find a teenage boy.

“Sorry.” The boy’s face was flushed.

“Be careful,” Enzo warned. “You could have hurt someone.”

The boy nodded and moved on, submerged into the crowd.

Enzo turned to her. “Are you all right?”

She nodded as her heart slowed. The stolen moment was over before it’d even begun.

“Come on,” Enzo said, “we need to keep moving. I don’t want you to miss visiting the shops before they close.”

He took her hand in his and moved onward, working their way to the exit. Her hand felt good within his grasp. She refused to define what it meant. A label on this thing happening between them would ruin the moment. It was best just to live in the moment and not analyze it.


HER FINGERS BRUSHED over the pendant.

A warmth swirled in her chest.

She told herself not to read too much into the friendly gesture. Enzo didn’t want attachments—in fact, he was doing his best to minimize his commitments in life with the sale of the estate. She’d do well to remember that. Her hand lowered to her side.

They’d made their way through a number of stores. In a secondhand shop, she found some crystal vases. And then in a florist shop, she found some dried flowers that were stunning. There were vivid reds and deep purples as well as ivory flowers. In addition, she picked out some fresh arrangements. Considering the magazine people would be there the following day, the flowers would just be blooming when she got them home.

She turned to Enzo, who was standing by the door as though anxious to move on. While the sales clerk packed her purchases, Sylvie approached Enzo. He looked totally bored out of his mind.