Her gaze quickly skimmed down over her checklist. No. Everything was done and the caterer had already set up finger food in the dining room. There was nothing to worry about.

And yet, as she picked up the phone, she couldn’t help but wonder if this phone call would somehow help or hinder her efforts to keep her home and a job at which she was quite skilled.

“Hello. This is the Barto Vineyard. How may I help you?”

“Hello. My name is Jameson Asaro and I’m with Tuscany Views magazine. We’re interested in doing a big spread about your vineyard and the prestigious award your winery won in Paris.”

“Oh. Wow.” Her mind was racing. This could be the help she needed to sway Enzo’s decision about keeping or selling the estate. “That would be wonderful.”

“Can I take that as confirmation that you’d like us to visit the estate to do our research for the article?”

“Um, can you hold on for a moment?”


She pushed a button on the phone, putting it on hold while she fished her cell phone out of her pocket. She quick-dialed Enzo. The phone rang and rang before going to voice mail.

She knew if Enzo was out in the fields that there were many places with no reception. Of all the days for him to be out of reach. Frustration balled up in her stomach. This was so important.

She moved the landline receiver back to her ear. “I’m sorry about that. I was just trying to reach someone at the vineyard. Could we get back to you—?”

“I don’t think you understand the urgency of this. We just had a last-minute cancellation and we need a big story. Something we can cover right away.”

“Oh. I... I...uh...” What was she supposed to say? She tried to imagine Enzo’s response. Would he welcome the coverage? It was really special. This online and print magazine stretched throughout Italy and beyond its borders. It was quite a coup.

“I need a decision now.” The man’s voice was firm.

Her palms grew damp. The last thing she wanted to do was to make the wrong decision and have Enzo upset with her. As it was, they were just starting to find an easiness with each other after Paris. If she were to make the wrong choice here and they went back to acting like strangers again, she’d never convince him that selling the estate was a big mistake—a huge mistake.

But what if she were to pass on the publicity, would Enzo get upset? In fact, she’d been so busy worrying about what he’d do if she were to accept the offer that she hadn’t stopped to think about it in reverse. Turning down the offer could be a mistake, too. Either way it was a gamble.

Her stomach knotted knowing the man on the other end of the phone was expecting her to make a decision now—right now. And if she picked the wrong one, it could mean losing her ability to reason with Enzo.

She worried her bottom lip. All her attention was focused on whether she should or shouldn’t. Should or shouldn’t. The words revolved around in her mind at a dizzying pace—

“Hello,” the man said, “are you still there?”

The moment of truth had arrived. “Um, yes, I am.”

“And are you willing to do the article?”

“Yes.” The word popped out of her mouth and then she realized it was too late to take it back. Her fate had been sealed. She just didn’t know how any of this was going to work out. And dealing with the unknown was something she didn’t do well. She liked plans and certainties.

“Very good. We’ll arrive Thursday.”

“As in this coming Thursday? Less than a week from now?”

“Yes, ma’am. Is that a problem?”

A problem? Not that she could think of, but Enzo might have a differing opinion. “No, it’s not.”

“Good. We’ll need a tour of the vineyard. We’re going to need photos.”

“Photos?” She hadn’t considered what all would be involved with this.

“Yes, we’ll need photos to go along with the write-up.”

“Of course.” She would normally have anticipated this if her thoughts weren’t being pulled in so many different directions.