“I’m not scowling.” His brows were still drawn together as his lips pressed into a firm line.

“Really?” She arched a brow at him as she smiled.

“I’m not.” He attempted a smile but it didn’t work out. The disgruntled look on his face only succeeded in sending her into another fit of giggles. Immediately, his frown returned.

It took her a moment or two to gather herself. “So what’s in the box?”

He glanced down at the white box in his hand as though he’d totally forgotten. He let go of all the balloons when he went to open the box. Both of their heads lifted as the balloons sailed up and up in the two-story foyer.

“Great.” Enzo frowned at them. “Now, how am I supposed to get those down?”

“You aren’t. They’ll come down in time.” She studied him as he stared up at the balloons. “You did get helium balloons as a kid, didn’t you?”

He shook his head. “No balloons. Just a nice dinner, cake and a couple of presents.?


Sylvie couldn’t believe she had something over on him. Her mother had planned themed birthday parties with balloons and hats and whatever else she could think of. Enzo might have had the big, loving family that she’d always wanted, but her mother had doted on her and given her other special memories that she hadn’t thought of in a very long time.

“What?” Enzo was studying her.

“Um, nothing. I was just remembering my birthdays from when I was a kid.”

“What were they like?”

She shrugged. “My mother would invite all of the local kids and she’d always have a theme. One year it was jungle animals. She would have games and little prizes. Nothing that cost much but just enough to make the kids feel special.”

“Those sound like some good memories.”

“They are. And thank you for helping me to remember.” But she didn’t want to dwell on the past and all that she’d lost since then. “So what’s in the box?”

She moved over next to him as he lifted the lid. They both peered inside to find a beautiful cake. The background was white frosting but the decorations were deep purple flowers, hunter green leaves and a gold vine winding its way around the cake as though it was some sort of wreath.

She couldn’t help but think of the vineyard when she looked at the cake. Sylvia wondered if his sisters had picked the decorations out intentionally. Of course, there weren’t any grapes or barrels, but the color scheme with the purple flowers and green leaves on a vine certainly resembled the vineyard. She couldn’t help but wonder if Bianca and Gia were sending their brother a message. Were they gently urging him to keep the estate?

Sylvie’s gaze moved to Enzo. His scowl had softened. In fact, there was a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. He liked the cake? And the reminder of the vineyard that he was selling?

She glanced back at the cake and then realized she’d missed the rest of the decoration. In the center of the cake in purple frosting was scrolled out To The Best Brother.

“Aww...” Sylvie smiled. “That’s so sweet.”

“But so not true.” He closed the box.

“Of course it is.”

He shook his head. “If it was, I wouldn’t have let them down when they needed me most.”

He walked away before she could respond. Not that she knew what to say to that. Enzo was being harder on himself than he should be. Sure, he was selling the estate, but that didn’t make him a bad brother. She had to help him see this if she had any hope of him changing his mind about selling the estate.

* * *

Why was everyone making such a fuss?

Enzo placed the cake box on the kitchen counter. His sisters knew he didn’t like a fuss being made over his birthday. A card was fine. It was discreet but meaningful. What his sisters had done was big, loud and embarrassing. They did it because they felt guilty over forgetting his birthday.

Honestly, he couldn’t blame them. They had new, exciting lives now. He would, too. As soon as he concluded the sale of the estate. Which meant he had to talk to Sylvie about the weddings she had scheduled. They’d either have to hold off the sale or, preferably, move the events to another location. He’d even pick up the tab for moving them elsewhere.

“Do you mind if I cut the cake?” Sylvie’s voice interrupted his thoughts.