Inside, her heart wasn’t just thumping, it was pounding. Her palms were damp. And all she could think about was what that ring on her hand meant—they were going to get their happily-ever-after.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

The familiar chant filled the air. How could they have forgotten the best part of this—the kiss? Simon straightened and swept her into his arms.

“I love you. Never ever doubt it,” he said.

“I will always love you too.” Her voice was soft as it floated through the air. “Merry Christmas.”

“Happy birthday.”

He remembered! “Thank you. This is the best birthday ever.”

He lowered his head and claimed her lips. She knew she’d never tire of his kisses. In fact, she was quite certain she would remember this movie-like moment for the rest of her life. When she was a little old lady, she would tell her great-grandchildren about this moment—this very romantic moment. And she would end the story with “They lived very, very happily ever after.”


Valentine’s Day, the Polka Dotted Bakery

HER SECOND MOST favorite holiday had just moved to first on her list.

And it certainly helped that the Polka Dotted Bakery was back in business and busier than ever. Old employees and customers had found that the mass-produced cupcakes weren’t better than Pepper’s homemade ones. As busy as they were, on Valentine’s Day they closed the shop a little early—for a private engagement.

Pepper and Simon were now officially married.

How was this possible?

Pepper stood in her apartment no longer Pepper Mint Kane, but Mrs. Pepper Ross. She loved the sound of it. But she loved her new husband so much more.

She stared down at the diamond band on her finger and smiled. The truth was that she hadn’t stopped smiling since they were declared husband and wife. Mrs. Simon Ross, Mrs. Pepper Ross, or just plain old Pepper Ross. The smile on her lips grew.

“And what has you smiling so brightly?”

She glanced up at her very handsome husband. “I was just thinking that you’re never going to be able to top this Valentine’s. Ever.”

His brows rose. “Is that a challenge?”

Oh, no. He had that look in his eyes that said she was about to lose. But somehow, she didn’t think it was possible to lose this particular challenge. “Yes. It’s a challenge.”

An I got you smile lifted his lips. “I know next Valentine’s will be even better. Want to know how I know this?”

“How’s that?”

“There will be three of us next year.”

Daisy barked her disagreement and they both laughed.

“Okay. There will be four of us. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

“Why did I ever doubt you?” Her hand smoothed down over her growing baby bump. At four months along, her pregnancy was finally showing.

“You’ll learn to trust me. My family will always be my first priority.”

She reached up, running her fingers gently down his cheek. “I already trust you with my heart.”

He caught her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “How did I ever get so lucky?”

“I guess it’s true what they say, you know, about the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” She smiled lovingly into her husband’s eyes. To think she would get to do this for the rest of her life. Her heart fluttered with joy. “We should head out, if we’re going to make it to the country house by dinner.”