Stephanie joined her on the couch, as it was the only cleaned-off area to sit. The new chairs were stacked with boxes. Everything was in such disarray that it made Pepper’s head hurt.

“Won’t believe what?”

Stephanie’s eyes lit up. “They hauled away Grinchy Greta.”

r /> This got Pepper’s full attention. “What? Who did?”

“I don’t know all of the details. Most of it was all hush-hush. But I was able to hear them tell her that she was under arrest for embezzling. Can you believe it?”

Pepper’s mouth gaped open. “Really?”

Stephanie smiled. “And I’m temporarily in charge. I’m not really sure if that’s a good thing, considering there will be audits and changes, but at least the animals will be safe from that woman.”

“And this means if she was embezzling the donations, there will be more funds for the animals.” Pepper’s voice lacked the enthusiasm that this occasion deserved.

“How do you think this happened?”

“I’m not sure.” Her mind rewound to her conversation with Simon. He’d been asking a lot of questions about the woman. “But I have an idea.”

“Did you turn her in?”

“I would have if I’d known. But Simon was asking a lot of questions about Greta.”

“Really? Why would he care?”

Pepper shrugged. “He met her when he stopped by the shelter, and I might have mentioned how horrible she is. And then when I brought home Daisy, I think he understood how miserable that woman is and how she shouldn’t be allowed around such sweet, adorable animals.”

Daisy came scampering into the room as though she’d heard her name called. Pepper leaned over and picked her up. The puppy wiggled around, so full of energy while Pepper could barely move herself from the couch. She missed Simon—missed the life they’d started to create together. Had she made the biggest mistake by walking away? Would he have eventually come to love her?

“Something tells me that we have Simon to thank for ridding us of the Grinch,” Stephanie said.

“I think you’re right.”

“You should call him.”

Pepper shook her head. “I don’t think he wants to hear from me.”

Stephanie’s perfectly plucked brows rose high on her forehead. “Trouble in paradise?”

“I... I left.”

“As in you and Simon are over?”

Pepper nodded. “It was never going to work out for us. We wanted different things.”

“Really? Because you two seemed so perfect together at the shelter and when I saw you on television together for the grand opening of his store.”

“I thought so too. But...”

“But what?”

Pepper drew in a deep breath and let it out. “He doesn’t love me.”

“Oh.” Stephanie frowned. “He told you that?”

“No. But when he asked me to stay—”

“He asked you to stay and still you left.”