“Because of the way you’ve cared for your mother, even though you think she blames you. And for the way you’ve cared for me, even before you knew about the baby. You have a good and honest heart. This baby will be all the better for having you in his or her life.”

Her words were a balm upon his scars.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. How had he been so lucky to have Pepper in his life? She didn’t see him as a rich man with connections; she saw him as he really was, warts and all. And still she was here in his arms.

Her mouth moved beneath his with a hunger of her own. Why exactly had he been holding her at arm’s length? The reason totally eluded him now.

And so with the heavy snow falling outside and the puppy cuddled with her teddy on the couch, Simon and Pepper moved to the nest of blankets and pillows in front of the fire. It was there that he held her in his arms and made tender love to her, showing her just how much she meant to him.


THIS WAS A bad idea.

A very bad idea.

And yet Simon let Pepper talk him into inviting his mother to the grand opening of the first Ross Pet Playground. He’d tried to tell her that his dysfunctional relationship with his mother was better left in private, but Pepper had looked at him with that pleading look in her eyes.

What was it about her that got to him? If it had been anyone else, he would have shut them down immediately. But Pepper, she was so optimistic, so caring. Except for the woman she called Grinchy Greta.

His people were uncovering every shady thing in her past. They were also tracking the generous donation he’d made to the shelter. It sounded like the Grinch would be dealt with in time for Christmas. He knew keeping the animals safe from that woman would be the best Christmas gift for Pepper.

Simon waited inside the new store as invited guests lined up on the sidewalk just on the other side of the giant red ribbon. A hired car pulled to a stop. His mother stepped out of the back seat of the black sedan with tinted windows.

She looked particularly pleased, especially when the press recognized her. They took her photo, which she posed for, smiling brilliantly.

Simon inwardly sighed. His mother was no shrinking violet. Once she’d got out from under his father’s thumb, she’d shown a surprising amount of spunk. Over the years, she’d made a point of putting herself out there, trying new experiences and meeting new people.

Simon glanced at his watch. Only two more minutes until the ribbon cutting. Even the news crews had arrived. But there was no sign of the one person who he really wanted to be here. Pepper.

She was the one who’d helped him take this pet shop to a new level with its gourmet bakery. With her recipes, it was going to be a huge success. He’d really wanted her to stand up here and cut the ribbon with him, but she’d refused.

But later, they’d share a private celebration with a glass of sparkling grape juice and a kiss beneath the mistletoe. He couldn’t wait. He had an early birthday surprise for Pepper.

Ninety seconds to go.

“Are you ready?” his assistant, Elaine, asked.

He nodded.

Another car pulled up. It was a business associate. Simon restrained a frustrated sigh. Behind that car was another. Would it be Pepper?


He shoved aside his thoughts of Pepper, who would be here soon, just like she’d said she’d be. Instead, he needed to focus on this moment. Today was about... What was it about? It was more than a new store opening—much more. And it was no longer about conquering yet another challenge. His thoughts came full circle.

Today was more about Pepper. As she was the one who had given him the drive to make this a success—for more than himself. And Pepper would see that, if she would just show up.

“It’s time,” his assistant said.

He forced a smile to his lips as he kept checking to see if she’d arrived. He was so disappointed that she was going to miss this, because he had a surprise for her. One he was certain she would approve of.

But with the cameras rolling, he couldn’t stall. The show, as they said must go on. He stepped outside. A round of applause rolled over the crowd.

“Thank you all for coming.” All the while, his gaze scanned the crowd, searching for Pepper. “It seems like forever since we did something special like this for Ross Toys. And thanks to all of you, it’s going to be a huge success.”

Again, there was applause.

“But this moment is even more special for me because this accomplishment isn’t just for me.” Simon paused. He’d thought he saw Pepper. He scanned the faces again. Yes, there was she was, toward the back.