He shook his head. “I didn’t have a chance.”

“Well then, you’re in luck. I made spaghetti and homemade meatballs. I had a craving.”

He arched a dark brow. “Isn’t it early for those?”

She shrugged. “I’ve been known to have cravings without being pregnant. I’m guessing it’s going to be a full seven months of continuous cravings.”

“That should be interesting. Any desire for pickles and ice cream?”

Her nose scrunched up. “That sounds utterly revolting.”

“I agree. I was just checking to see what I was in for.”

She walked to the kitchen, pulled the plate of spaghetti from the fridge and placed it in the microwave. Her gaze moved to the window above the kitchen sink. The ice was continuing to hit the window. A shiver raced over her skin. She’d never liked winter storms. She didn’t like the feeling of being cut off from everyone else; that’s why she’d always lived in the city.

Simon stepped up to her. “What’s got you rattled?”

“It’s just the weather.”

“It’s more than the weather. Talk to me.”

She shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s something and I’d like to know, if you’ll tell me.”

Pepper gave herself a firm mental shake, chasing away the bad memory. Retrieving the warmed plate from the microwave, she turned to Simon. “Where would you like to eat?”

He shrugged. “The living room is fine.”

Pepper handed him the plate and then retrieved a fork and napkin. She led the way. She settled on the couch and then lifted Daisy to her lap.

He glanced at the movie on the coffee table. “Is that what you were planning to watch?”

Simon, as she was quickly learning, wasn’t a television-type person. He’d rather bury himself in reports or read a book, which was fine by her. To each his own. But she didn’t want to bore him with her passion.

“It’s nothing I can’t watch another time,” she said, settling back on the couch.

He set aside his untouched dinner. He picked up the DVD case and read the front before turning it over to read the back. “Interesting.”

“Really?” She was totally caugh

t off guard. “I didn’t think you were into movies.”

“I take it you enjoy them.”

“I love them. I have an entire collection of old movies.” And then she was reminded of the fire. “That is, unless they were destroyed.”

“How many movies do you have in your collection?”

“Over three hundred.”

“That’s a lot of movies.”

“I guess I inherited the interest from my mother. She was quite eclectic, which is obvious by the name she chose for me because I was born on Christmas Eve.”

“I don’t think Pepper is all that rare.”

“No. My full name.” When he looked at her as though he didn’t get what she was trying to tell him, she said, “Pepper Mint Kane.”