“Actually, I do. And with that red ribbon around your ponytail, you look like you’re ready for a Christmas party.”

“Hardly. I’m a mess.”

He stepped up to her. He stopped just inches from her. “If this is you looking a mess, I like it.”

He was flirting with her? Heat swirled in her chest and rushed to her face. She wasn’t sure what to say. When he was looking at her like she was a cherry that he was eating up with his eyes, her thoughts scattered and her ability to make quick comebacks utterly and completely left her.

But knowing that she had to get this order done in the very near future, she said, “You know, instead of standing around talking silliness, you could be helping.”

“It’s not silliness.” His voice lowered as his gaze caressed her face. She could feel the way his gaze moved over her just as surely as if he’d reached out and touched her. “You are beautiful. Don’t ever doubt it. Both inside and out.”

“Thank you.” Now her face felt as though it were pressed against the hot oven. A trickle of perspiration ran down her cleavage. She resisted the urge to fan herself, but if Simon didn’t move away soon, she was afraid her entire body would go up in flames.

“No need to thank me. I’m just stating a fact.” And still he stared at her with a smile on his face.

He had no idea how much she just wanted to toss aside the bowl of batter and melt into his embrace as her mouth sought out his. But that wasn’t part of their arrangement. They’d agreed to this living arrangement just until she completed her Christmas commitments. By then, her apartment over the bakery should be deemed safe to move back into.

Until then, she had so much to do. And then she realized that Simon was home early—earlier than normal on a Monday. “Why are you here?”

His dark brows rose. “Am I not allowed to leave work early without suspicion?”

She shook her head, swishing her ponytail over her shoulder. “Sorry. That’s not what I meant.”

“It’s okay. I was just giving you a hard time.” He stepped away from her and suddenly she missed having him so close to her.

“I thought you had some important meetings today.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “I did. But I rearranged them and got them done earlier than I had originally planned.” He glanced around the kitchen. “Looks like I wasn’t the only one busy.”

She followed his gaze, taking in the sight of bowls, pans, spoons and numerous other kitchen items dirty and in need of cleaning. “Sorry. I just had so much to do today that I couldn’t keep up with the cleaning, baking and decorating.” She glanced at the timer. She didn’t have long until the current batch of cupcakes came out and the new batch went in, if she wanted to get all of this delivered in time for the party. “I’m sorry. But I have to get back to work.”

“Don’t let me hold you up.”

She turned to the kitchen island and continued to fill each cupcake liner three-quarters full. She struggled to keep her attention on the task at hand and not on the way Simon had been looking at her. Things were definitely changing between them. The thought sent a shiver of excitement through her.

In the background, she heard water running. She wondered what Simon was up to. She desperately wanted to turn and check him out, but she denied herself that privilege. She had a deadline and she needed to keep her attention focused on her work.

Yeah. Like that was going to happen.

She tilted the bowl up and moved to the next empty cupcake liner. She reminded herself that just because there was obvious chemistry crackling between them, it didn’t mean they should forget what they’d agreed to. Roommates. Nothing more. Because soon she’d be going back to her apartment—if the fire marshal would release the scene so she could start the repairs—and she had to keep her attention on the bakery.

When the tray of cupcake liners was filled and the dribbles wiped clean, it was ready for the oven. Pepper turned and placed the bowl on the counter. It was then that she spotted Simon. He had his sleeves rolled up as he worked in a sink full of soapy water. With the top buttons of his dress shirt undone, he looked totally adorable as he hand-washed a pan for her. What in the world had gotten into him? Whatever it was, she liked it.

Still, she should tell him to stop. This wasn’t his responsibility. Part of their agreement was that she would see to the upkeep of the kitchen. But with the soapsuds on his arms, he looked utterly irresistible. Some woman was going to be very lucky when she landed him.

Pepper didn’t know where the thought had come from, but it totally dampened her mood. The thought of him cooking and cleaning in the kitchen with another woman made her stomach sour. She dismissed the thought, shoving it to the far recesses of her mind.

Now more than ever, she needed to get him out of the kitchen. As sweet as he was to help her without her even asking, he was that much of a distraction. And tonight’s party was very important. She couldn’t mess things up.

The apartment phone rang, which usually meant it was the doorman. Simon dried his hands before answering it. She couldn’t make out what he was saying.

Pepper looked up from where she was pouring batter into the cupcake pans. “Are you expecting guests?”

He shook his head. “It’s the fire marshal.”

Immediately, concern coursed through her. “What do you think he wants?”

“I guess we’ll find out.”