Pepper was the most honest person he’d ever known. And whether he wanted to admit it or not, she was good for him. She made him want to be a better person—to know that if he kept trying, he could overcome whatever stood before him. And his life was noticeably dimmer without her in it.

Her gaze met his. “Do you mean that?”

He nodded. “I do. And I’d like you to stay here, until your apartment is repaired.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“You’re better off here than in some motel. If you need anything, I’ll be here for you.” This was more important to him than he’d ever imagined. “And you can use the kitchen to continue doing as much of your work as you feel up to.”

Before she could say anything, the doorbell rang.

A frown pulled at his face. He wasn’t expecting anyone. He rarely entertained guests in his penthouse. He preferred to keep it as his private domain.

“I’ll be right back.” He turned for the door.

With a doorman, unannounced guests were limited to those who were preapproved. The list was quite short. But it could be a delivery for Pepper.

He swung the door open and found his mother standing there, every dark strand of her pixie cut in place and her makeup perfectly done. She did not look like a woman on the verge of her sixtieth birthday.

“Mother, what are you doing here?” He didn’t know whether to be more shocked that she was at his place or that she’d arrived at such an early hour.

She swept past him into the foyer. “Is it true?”

“Is what true?” As he closed the door, he realized he had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

Her eyes widened. “You haven’t heard the news?”

“Obviously not.” He worried that something had gone terribly wrong with his new expansion. He knew his competitors were not happy about the launch, but he’d been able to overcome every roadblock they’d thrown in his way.

His mother pulled out her phone and quickly pulled up an article. He was curious to see what had her so worked up that she’d left home before the time she normally had her second cup of coffee. She held her phone out to him.

He took it from her and stared at the photo. It was of him and Pepper leaving the doctor’s office. His gut twisted in an uncomfortable knot.

Billionaire Bachelor to Billionaire Daddy!

An unnamed source said the happy couple had reunited and were now expecting their first child. His hand tightened around the phone. A frustrated growl grew deep in his throat. There was more to the story, but his anger kept him from comprehending the rest of the article. This couldn’t be happening.

The last time the paparazzi got involved, Pepper had ended things with him. The thing he didn’t know was how big of a part the press had played in her decision. If the paparazzi had left them alone, would things have gone differently?

“So, is it true? Are you finally making me a grandmother?” There was a hopeful glint in his mother’s eyes that surprised him.

“Simon?” Pepper stepped into the foyer and came to a stop upon noticing his mother. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Is this her?” his mother asked.

Pepper’s puzzled gaze moved between him and his mother. He’d been really hoping to avoid this for a while, but it looked like he had no other choice.

“Mother, this is Pepper Kane. Pepper, meet my mother, Sandra.”

Pepper stepped forward, shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

Simon opened the door. “Mother, we’ll have to visit later. Pepper and I have some things to discuss.”

His mother’s eyes lit up as she moved toward the door. “So it’s true.”

It wasn’t a question; it was a statement. And he wasn’t in any position to correct her. “We’ll talk later.”

“Yes, we will.” His mother glanced over at Pepper. “It was so nice to meet you, dear.”