He watched her walk away, wondering if he should go with her. Something told him if he tried, she’d refuse his company. At least she had his phone number. If she needed anything, she could call him. But would she?


AND THE HITS kept coming.

The insurance company refused to release the funds until arson was ruled out.

Pepper couldn’t believe she was suspected of arson. Her. A person who loved her little bakery with all her heart. A person who was lost without her warm kitchen filled with scents of cinnamon, apples, cherries and a bunch of buttery goodness.

Not sure what to tell Simon, she took advantage of his invitation to make herself at home in his penthouse. So after a quick stop at the grocery store, she made her way to Simon’s massive kitchen. She lost herself in her baking. It was cathartic for her.

And then it was time to head to the animal shelter where she volunteered at least once a week, sometimes it was more. Next to her bakery, it was where she was most comfortable. And until the renovations were complete, Pepper looked forward to her visits to the Helping Paw Shelter each weekend. She carried in the boxes of cookies, cupcakes and Danishes for the adopt-a-pet event.

“Pepper, I didn’t think you’d be able to make it.” Stephanie, the assistant director of the shelter, rushed over and gave her a hug. “We heard about the fire, and I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

“Thank you. I appreciate the offer, but there’s nothing to do right now but wait for all of the paperwork to get done.” She didn’t want to discuss the arson investigation.

“How bad was it?”

Images of the scorched front of the bakery flashed through her mind. “It looks bad from the outside.”

“What about the inside? What about your apartment?”

Pepper shook her head. “I don’t know. They won’t let me inside yet.”

“Oh, Pepper, that’s awful. Where are you staying?”

“With a friend.” Heat rushed to her face when she thought of Simon. She didn’t know if he still qualified as a friend, but she didn’t know what else to call him.

A smile eased the worried look on Stephanie’s face. “Must be a guy friend.”

Her body grew increasingly warm. “Why would you say that?”

“Because you’re blushing. Tell me it’s Simon Ross.”

“Shh...” Pepper glanced around to make sure they weren’t overheard.

“It is.” Stephanie grinned and quietly clapped her hands. “How did this happen?”

Pepper needed someone to talk to about the events of her life and Stephanie had become a good friend. She gave her a brief overview of the events of the last twenty-four hours.

“Wow. I can’t believe all of that happened to you.”

“Me either.” Her thoughts turned to the problems with the insurance company. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“I’d offer to let you stay with me, but all I have is a lumpy couch. It’s yours if you want it though.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind.”

Stephanie checked the time. “Let’s get a table set up for all of your goodies.”

Pepper glanced around and noticed that nothing for the event was set out. They must have thought she wasn’t coming. “I should have called to let you know I could still make it. And I have some goodies for the four-footed little ones.” Lately, she’d started baking doggie

biscuits and experimenting with kitty treats.

“You know, they like them so much that you should consider starting your own pet line.” Stephanie’s gaze moved to all the baked goods. “I can’t believe you baked all of this, considering everything that just happened to you.”

“It felt good to bake. I might have made a little too much.”