Stephanie held up her hands helplessly. “At the moment we’re stuck with her.”

“And Daisy?”

“That’s what I’m hoping you can help me with.”

“Me? How?” She would do anything to save Daisy.

“I need you to take her home.” Before Pepper could say anything, Stephanie held up a finger to pause Pepper’s rebuttal. “Listen, you and I both know that’s what you were working toward. Maybe you weren’t willing to admit it to yourself just yet, but Daisy belongs with you.”

She was willing to do anything for Daisy...but take her home. “I don’t have a home to take her to. Remember? The fire.”

Stephanie’s gaze pleaded with her. “But you said you were staying in Simon’s great big apartment.”

“It’s a penthouse. And the man who’s letting me stay there doesn’t like dogs. Or cats. Or anything that can make a mess, makes noise or needs taking care of.” She thought she remembered all his reasons not to have a pet. How exactly was he going to deal with a baby?

Stephanie’s mouth gaped. “And he let you stay with him?”

Pepper shrugged. “I clean up after myself.”

Stephanie shook her head. “Surely there has to be a place you can keep Daisy until your apartment is ready.”

Pepper thought of everyone she knew, including her second-in-charge at the bakery, but her daughter had asthma and was allergic to most pets. And there wasn’t anyone else she would feel right about imposing on.

And then her gaze landed on Stephanie. “What about you?”

“You know I would if I could. But I’ve already taken in three dogs. One more and my landlord has threatened to kick me to the curb. Besides, I don’t think Daisy will go with anyone but you.”

“But Simon is going to throw a fit.”

“Better him than Greta.”

“True. But still... He might toss me to the curb.”

Stephanie sent her a knowing smile. “You forget I saw him when he came to the shelter. I saw how he hung on your every word. I don’t think you have a thing to worry about.”

Was she serious? Pepper was never quite sure where she stood with Simon. Some days she thought he liked her just fine and other days she felt like she was nothing but in the way—another problem for him to deal with.

And now with Daisy, well, she was certain he wasn’t going to take it well at all. But she couldn’t let Greta do away with the puppy. Chills rushed over her skin. That woman was just pure evil. The shelter would be so much better off without her. If only there was a way to get rid of Grinchy Greta.

“Pepper, you have to decide now.”

“Fine. I’ll take her.” She forcefully blocked out what this would mean to her relationship with Simon.

She probably should ask him before taking the puppy home, but this way she was saving him from having to say no and from her having to ignore his wishes. It still didn’t leave her in a great position, but perhaps she could move back into her own apartment, even though it wasn’t finished.

And so Stephanie set her up with everything she’d need to care for Daisy, including a crate. One of the volunteers offered to give her a lift back to the penthouse. Pepper could only hope it was early enough that Simon wouldn’t be home yet.

She took the private elevator from the underground garage to the top floor. Pepper caught herself holding her breath as she entered the penthouse and looked around. Today was the housekeeper’s day off, so that definitely helped things. To her great relief, Simon wasn’t home.

She placed Daisy on the marble floor of the foyer. Immediately, the puppy had an accident. Oh, boy, they were not getting off to a good start.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll get you in the bedroom and then I’ll come back to clean it up.”

Pepper led Daisy down the hallway to her bedroom. Along the way, Daisy took the time to investigate her surroundings. Her nose was going a mile a minute as she inspected everything in the wide hallway.

Daisy was like a new dog now that she was out of the shelter—much more relaxed. “I’m so sorry you’ve had a rough start in life. But don’t worry, you’ll be safe and hopefully happy from now on.”

Pepper wasn’t sure what the future held for the two of them. She was starting to wonder if there were any motels in the area that she could afford and that took pets.