He shook his head. “There’s so much you don’t know about me.” He glanced away. “I’m not this great guy you think I am. I have skeletons in my closet.”

“Everyone does. It’s what you do about them that decides what sort of person you are.”

His gaze returned to hers. “You do know that you’ll never have to worry about money. I’ll make sure the baby has everything they could possibly want—”

“Except you?”

He shrugged. “I... I don’t know. I need to think.”

It wasn’t a yes, but it wasn’t a no either. So she’d take it.

“We were both caught off guard today,” she said. “It’ll take time to figure this out. But I hope you’ll keep an open mind where the baby is concerned.”

He nodded. “I will.”

“You should probably go to the office and deal with the upcoming store opening. I have a party to finish preparing for.” And then, realizing that the news of the baby might have changed their arrangement, she asked, “Is it all right if I still use the kitchen?”

His eyes widened with surprise. “Of course. You’ll be here when I get home?”

“I will.”

He left for the office looking a bit disheveled compared to his normal clean-cut appearance. She couldn’t blame him. It had been quite a day and it wasn’t even lunchtime yet.

Where did they go from here?


HE’D THOUGHT AND thought and then thought some more.

The answers about the baby still eluded him.

How was he going to be a good father when he’d never had one?

The next morning, Simon sleepwalked through his usual routine. He’d been up most of the night tossing and turning. His thoughts halted as he opened his bedroom door. He inhaled the most delicious aroma. He followed it to the kitchen, where he heard Christmas carols playing and the sweet sound of Pepper’s voice.

He placed his hand on the swinging door and pushed. He entered the kitchen to find Pepper in a black apron, pulling a tray out of the oven. She turned and placed it on the enormous island. Her gaze strayed across him and she pressed her lips together, silencing her beautiful voice. She didn’t smile, but she didn’t frown either. That was something at least.

She moved to her phone and silenced the music. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you. Sometimes I get to baking and totally forget about everything else.”

“It’s not a problem. In fact, I like hearing you sing. You have a beautiful voice.” He didn’t come in here to flatter her, but he’d been moved by her voice. “Are you feeling better this morning?”

She shrugged. “It comes and goes.”

He glanced around at all the finished baked goods. “You must have been up for hours.”

“I didn’t sleep well.”

“Me either.” He walked over to take a closer look

at the gingerbread men on the kitchen island. “I’m glad to see you’re making yourself at home.”

She arched a brow at him. “Are you?”

She doubted him? But then again, he hadn’t been the most congenial host after they got the news about the baby. “I wasn’t myself yesterday.”

Pepper placed another tray of cupcakes in the oven and set the timer. Then she turned back to him. “I want you to know that this pregnancy wasn’t planned.”

“I didn’t think it was.”