Page 129 of For Better for Worse

Turning her back on him, she continued her way upstairs, ignoring the angry accusations which followed her.

She had made her decision and she was not going to change her mind no matter how much pressure Nick put on her to do so.

‘But why should he want to stay married to me when he doesn’t love me?’ she had asked Cressy in bewilderment.

‘Because Nick is one of those people who can’t bear to let anything or anyone go,’ Cressy had told her grimly. ‘And because he enjoys his power over you, Fern.’

The picture Cressy had drawn of Nick had shocked her at first, but now she was beginning to recognise the truth of her friend’s statements.

Carefully she unpacked her clothes, telling herself she was not going to be a coward and stay up here, too afraid to continue to confront Nick, but her hands were still shaking slightly when she had put the last item away and closed the case.

Nick was waiting for her in the kitchen, his mouth twisting into a bitter sneer as he told her, ‘Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to, Fern, but it’s no good going running to Adam. He doesn’t want you any more now than he ever did. You never did have much sense of timing, did you?’ he added goadingly. ‘Didn’t you know he’d gone away—with the Jameses and their daughter…? They’ve gone to Tuscany; the Jameses have a villa there… Trust dear old Adam to fall on his feet. Old man James is rolling in it. Still, Adam is going to need a rich father-in-law if his plans for Broughton House fall through—and they will, Anthony Quentin will see to that. He isn’t too keen on the idea of a new supermarket opening locally… What’s wrong, Fern? Not having second thoughts, are you, now you know that dear Adam isn’t around to let you crawl into his bed?’

‘This has nothing to do with Adam,’ Fern protested fiercely.

‘Don’t lie to me,’ Nick contradicted her heatedly. ‘This has everything to do with him. You’ve always wanted him… preferred him… but he’s never wanted you, Fern, and he never will. We used to laugh about you together, about the way you used to follow him around, hanging on his every word. He warned me against marrying you…’

She must not say anything… must not betray what she was feeling, how much he was hurting her, Fern told herself. Thank God Cressy had opened her eyes to what he really was.

‘I’m going out now,’ Nick told her. ‘But while I’m gone I want you to think about one or two things, Fern. Like how you’re going to live without me to support you? You haven’t got your parents to go running home to now, have you? No money… no home… no Adam. What are you going to do? One thing’s damn sure, you couldn’t earn a decent living on your back…’

He added something so crude and insulting that Fern winced. She thought herself shock-proof, armoured against everything he could say to her, but she was not, she acknowledged nauseously half an hour later as she slowly started to restore order to the chaotic kitchen.


; Her face still burned from the final insults Nick had hurled at her. She had known that Nick would make things difficult for her but she had not realised until today just how much he must have always disliked and despised her.

Her hands started to shake. She felt weak… dizzy… sick… as the after-shock of their quarrel washed over her.

Her body ached as though it had been beaten, tension locking every muscle; all she wanted to do was to crawl away somewhere safe and protected. She found herself longing for Cressy, wishing that she had taken her friend’s advice and stayed on with her for a few more days.

Cressy had counselled her not to confront Nick directly but to telephone or write to him.

‘He’ll bully you into staying with him if he can, just for the pleasure it will give him to punish you for wanting to leave him,’ Cressy had warned her.

Fern had laughed then, telling Cressy that Nick was hardly as malevolent and destructive as she was painting him, but now, recalling the things he had said to her, Fern wondered if she had been wrong and Cressy right after all.

He had completely ignored her reference to his relationship with Venice. Had Adam discussed her with him… as he had said?

He must have done, even if Nick had exaggerated his comments.

Tears burned her eyes. She walked over to the sink, each step a physical effort.

She was not doing this for Nick’s benefit, she told herself half an hour later as she washed the final item, but for her own, and when she had finished cleaning the kitchen she intended to walk into town and visit the local estate agents. Somewhere someone must have a room she could rent; her modest resources would allow her to do that. She could also call in at the employment agencies as well, although what kind of work she could find…

* * *

The phone rang just as she was about to leave. She picked up the receiver and said her number.

‘Fern?’ She recognised Venice’s voice immediately, and was grimly amused to hear the surprise in it. Plainly Venice was not aware that she had returned.

‘I need to speak to Nick,’ Venice told her quickly. ‘It’s… it’s very important… a business matter…’

‘Nick isn’t here, I’m afraid,’ Fern told her quietly, adding wryly, ‘and I’m sure you have a much better idea of how to get in touch with him than I do, Venice. Oh, it’s all right,’ she added when Venice was silent. ‘I know about your affair—that tie you brought back gave it all away, but then you must have known it would.’

For a moment Fern thought Venice would simply hang up without saying anything, but then she heard her take a quick breath and say fiercely, ‘He doesn’t love you, Fern. It’s me he wants, not you! He didn’t even come to look for you when you left, did he? Shall I tell you what he was doing while you were away?’ Her voice had softened to a silky, sensual purr now, a softness that barely concealed the razor-sharp claws of her malice.

‘He was with me… he was in my bed, Fern, making love to me… wanting me… He never even gave you a thought. To tell the truth, I don’t think he’d have given a damn if you’d never come back. Why did you come back, Fern? To try to patch up your marriage? You don’t have a marriage any more… haven’t you realised that yet? I want Nick and I intend to have him. If you’ve got any sense you’ll go back to that friend of yours, but this time you’ll stay there…