I considered that for a moment. “So how long is that massage he booked for us?”

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. “That’s my girl.”

“Are you going to take a swim in that tub with me?” I asked, kissing his chin.

“I think we’ll get to that eventually.” He grinned down at me and lifted my hips, locking my ankles at the small of his back. He gave me one long, heated look before devouring my mouth. His hands were everywhere, cupping my face, my ass, teasing my breasts with light little touches around the nipples but never touching them.

Bracing my hands against the open bathroom door, I bucked against him. He ripped my shirt down the front, and my bra followed, fluttering to the floor in ruins. I rocked and rode against him, seeking the friction we both needed so much.

He managed to keep me pinned to the door, unzip his jeans, and roll on a condom without dropping my butt to the floor. He pushed gently inside me. I sighed as my body adjusted, stretching to accommodate him.

And just as I grasped his rhythm, he spun, carrying me across the room toward the bed. Loved. I’d never felt so loved and cared for and wanted in my whole life. I wanted this feeling to go on and on, until I was old and gray and no longer able to pull off this position. Wherever I was going, I wanted Caleb to come with me.

Caleb pushed my hair off my shoulder as he rained kisses down the length of my neck, down my spine, pressing his mouth to each individual star before making his way back to my shoulders. He nipped my earlobe as he pressed inside me, working our hips together as he slid his hand around my hip. I pushed back, bracing my arm against the headboard, until I was filled to the hilt. His hands were everywhere—between my legs, on my breasts, at my throat.

A delicious tension wound its way out from my belly, tightening from my breasts down to my toes. Caleb rubbed in small circles, increasing his thrusts as his breath came in short bursts. I threw my head back, yelling when one final thrust of his hips sent a climax rippling along my body. Caleb pulled me up until I was sitting in his lap, my overwrought nerves twitching and firing as he moved underneath me. We collapsed against the mattress, sweaty and sated.

“If you make a joke about me bringing out the beast in you, I will not be held accountable for my actions.”


Honestly, we intended to honor our reservation at the steakhouse just across the street. Caleb got dressed up in a white Oxford shirt and khakis. He was tugging uncomfortably at a navy tie when I stepped out of the bathroom. He looked so polished, with his dark hair carefully combed back and the darker caramel tones of his skin highlighted by the crisp white shirt.

“Look at you,” I breathed. “You’re so pretty.”

“Me?” He chuckled. “Do a little twirl for me.” I complied with the twirl request, the skirt of the fitted long-sleeved red dress I’d chosen from the lobby shop swishing against my legs. I’d put on weight since the last time I’d bought clothes, which I was choosing to see as a good thing.

We meant to walk out the door and go to the restaurant. We really did. But Caleb was just beaming at me, as if I’d personally hung the moon, and he really liked the way I was wearing that dress . . . and the next thing I knew, we were naked all over again.

Sometime just before the room-service kitchen was about to close, we managed to put on robes and order dinner. Knowing Caleb’s appetite, I ordered big—thick rare steaks, hand-cut fries, macaroni and cheese, chicken and dumplings, not to mention half of the dessert cart. It took three people to deliver our order to our room, plus the sommelier who carried the bottle of semidry red wine I’d ordered. When the sommelier offered Caleb the bottle to inspect, he grinned and motioned to me. I gave it a cursory glance and nodded, smiling warmly at the man.

“A lovely selection, miss,” he said, snapping his heels together before pouring us each a healthy portion. He left the bottle on the cart, accepted his tip from Caleb, and closed the door behind him. I took another sip of wine, enjoying the way it rolled over my tongue.

Caleb watched, his head tilted as he studied me. “You used to have this, didn’t you?”

“My own private sommelier? Well, not every day, just on the weekends,” I teased.

“No, the nice clothes, hotels with wine lists, waiters with accents, the whole thing. You used to have this.”

I shrugged. “Well, I lived on the nice side of comfortable, I’ll admit. And there are things I miss, like a dependably bug-free shower and knowing where I’m going to sleep every night, but I have to say, I was a lot more comfortable eating burgers at a saloon. With you.” I gave him a smacking kiss. “All this, it’s nice. But I can live without it.”

We ate, sitting on the floor in our robes, in front of the window, with the lights of Anchorage laid out before us. I was toying with an asparagus spear, considering the chocolate éclair left untouched on the dessert plate. It was lying there, all chocolaty and creamy and provocative. It was practically asking me to eat it.

“So, I was hoping you would come home with me,” Caleb said suddenly.

The hussy éclair forgotten, I grinned at Caleb and toyed with the belt of his robe. “Well, sailor, I don’t think that line works if we’re already home for the night, but if you want to do ‘strangers in a bar,’ I’m up for it.”

He laughed, prying my hands loose from his belt without much enthusiasm. “No, back to the valley, which is your home, too, so it sort of works out. I wanted to ask you before, but I was afraid you’d say no. I’m going to be heading back in a few weeks. You could stay with me, in my house. And we could have a life together. I know Maggie would rehire you as the pack doctor. It’s difficult to find doctors who can treat werewolves. I doubt she’s filled the position.”

“But what happens when spring comes and you need to go out on the road again?”

He shrugged. “You can come with me. I work twice as fast when you’re around anyway. Or hell, I could work from home. My cousin Cooper has been on me about joining his business, expanding it. I could do that, stay in one place.”

“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“You aren’t, I’m asking you. What do you want out of life?” he asked. “â??’Cause you can’t keep running like this. You can’t just keep moving on until you’re too old and tired to move on again.”

Well, that sucked all of the levity out of the conversation.