I wasn’t sure what he meant by that or by calling me Rabbit. But frankly, it was probably better that we couldn’t go for a shopping spree at the moment, since, well, I didn’t have cash to pay for clothes and didn’t want to have to ask Caleb to cover me, literally.

“I suppose it’s too late to argue for my own room,” I said. “Or my own bed.”

The very idea made Caleb’s mouth turn downward. He leveled me with those dark eyes and told me, “You stay with me.”

“See, that’s what you said this morning. But I think it would be better for me to have my own room,” I said, feeling small and selfish in my request. But really, sharing a bathroom, a bed, and underwear was just a little too much intimacy with someone I’d known for less than two days. “And it still doesn’t explain why I have to be your mattress buddy.”

“They didn’t have any double rooms,” he said, clearing his throat. “I don’t want to be separated from you . . . you know, for safety reasons.”

“The shortage of double rooms in this state is an epidemic,” I muttered, padding toward the bathroom. But since I didn’t have the cash for my own room, it was hard to argue. And honestly, if he was going to hurt me, he would have done it already. He’d had ample opportunity.

“There’s a spare toothbrush in my bag,” he called after me.

How had I missed that in my digging through his duffel? Giggling like mad, I scampered back to his bag to search again. I felt ridiculously grateful at the thought of being able to brush my teeth. This must be how people develop Stockholm syndrome.

When I emerged from the bathroom, teeth freshly brushed, a bemused Caleb was holding out a leather duffel bag. “What’s this?” I asked him.

“I told Len that I knew a young lady who needed some clothes, and he happened to have this in his lost and found.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and unzipped the bag quickly, hoping the original owner wasn’t particularly tall or busty. My hands swam through neatly folded jeans and a series of progressively smaller tank tops. Whoever this woman was, she had not packed for cold weather.

“It belonged to some biker’s old lady. Len said she was pretty short, so I figured it would fit you.” When I glared at him, he seemed confused and exclaimed, “You’re not tall. This can’t be news to you!”

The defensive tone, so different from the voice I’d heard before, martyred and resentful, made me giggle. “There’s got to be something in there you can use,” he said, clearing his throat.

“I think the jeans and T-shirts might work,” I told him, holding up a shirt that read, “The Booby Hatch—The South’s Finest Gentleman’s Club.” I could probably wear the panties, too, I noted, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. “I’m going to have to wash it all first. I have my pride and parasite-free status to think of. Thanks, Caleb.”

He grinned, although I couldn’t tell if it was from pleasure or relief that I was, in fact, parasite-free. “There’s a laundry room next to the motel office,” he said. “I’ve got a bunch of quarters in the ashtray in my truck.”

“So . . . you spent some time with your friend Len. Now what?” I asked as he plopped back into his chair, replacing his files in their neat little box.

“Well, while you were getting your beauty rest—”

“Necessitated by lifting someone’s unconscious ass and dragging him around like a sack of wet concrete the night before,” I pointed out.

The corners of Caleb’s mouth lifted, and he amended, “While you were getting your much-deserved beauty rest, I visited my friend Len, who said that Jerry has been out of town but should be back tonight. I’m going to go to the bar, explain the situation, tell him he’s coming with us or I kick his ass in front of witnesses. He’s the kind of guy who won’t like that much.”

It was so strange that Caleb could sit there, perfectly relaxed, and talk about apprehending someone not quite legally as if he was planning a trip to the park. For that matter, it was rather hilarious that the man whose truck floorboards were covered in a thick layer of jerky wrappers kept such meticulous files. He was vicious when threatened but had been relatively gentle with me. Caleb was a study in contradictions. “And then?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Jerry will let me take him in, or I will actually have to kick his ass in front of witnesses. Either way, he ends up in the backseat of the truck. I arrange a drop-off point with the client.”

“Who, again, is not a legitimate law-enforcement authority?” I asked. He snorted but didn’t answer. “And what will I be doing during this complicated and delicate negotiation process?”

“You will be here at the motel,” he said. “This is my job, not yours. Just hang out, watch some TV, get some rest. You look like you could use a little more sleep.”

I scoffed. “It’s just a bar. I’ve worked in plenty of them,” I admitted, making Caleb frown and shake his head vehemently.

“Fine,” I grumbled. “I’ll stay home and do some laundry. Darn some socks. Maybe curl my hair and alphabetize coupons while I’m at it.”

He lifted a dark sable brow, all the while looking terribly amused, as if I was a barky little puppy trying to intimidate him with fluff and boot chewing. “You’re mocking me.”

“No, that’s sarcasm. And if we’re going to spend time together, you’re going to need to learn to recognize and respect it. You’ll know when I’m mocking you.”

Hours later, my newish clothes had been washed and dried. I was now richer by several T-shirts and pairs of jeans. I’d showered and even shaved my legs, a luxury I hadn’t taken time for in more days than I cared to admit. Our respective duffel bags were packed and ready to be thrown into the truck at a moment’s notice. I’d read the one magazine I could find in this godforsaken town, a six-month-old copy of Glamour, and taken all of the quizzes. It was good to know that Channing Tatum was my celebrity boyfriend. I would definitely bring this up the next time I ran into him. A game show played on the TV as I determined what my “sleep style” said about me (night terrors + insomnia = insane person). The low rumble of applause from the TV provided a pleasant enough background while I mulled over glossy, airbrushed vapidity.

In other words, I was bored out of my skull.

This, combined with sudden nervous fidgeting, was hell on my lips, which I chewed mercilessly. I checked the glowing red numbers on the bedside alarm clock. Caleb had been gone for almost three hours. I was getting increasingly uneasy without his warm, gruff presence in the room. What if he didn’t come back? What if he decided I wasn’t worth the trouble of hauling all over the state? And why was I suddenly so concerned about him not coming back?