Of course, Great-aunt Tilda was one of the most intimidating specimens of geriatric wolfdom you could ever come across. But that was beside the point.

“Nick, this whole thing with werewolves has just gone too far. I humored you at first, because it was kind of quirky and charming, but it’s just weird now.”

“You’re telling me that I didn’t wake up next to a little black wolf this morning, and that wolf didn’t phase into a very human you?”

“I’m telling you that we were in a car accident, and you have a pretty severe concussion. Beyond that, I don’t have one clue what’s going on in your head.”

“I know what I saw. You don’t have to worry. I’m not—I won’t tell anyone.”

Oh, how I wished I could believe that.

I frowned at him. “There’s nothing to tell.”

“No, look, I remember. We were at my house. We were watching Star Trek. I kissed you. And you ran away.”

“I ran away from your house because I was upset. Because I have a boyfriend.”

Nick sank back against the mattress, recoiling as if the wind had been knocked out of him.

I twisted my hands together, trying desperately to look like a guilt-ridden girlfriend, the kind you couldn’t trust to go on spring break with her girlfriends. “I started dating Clay a little while ago. He’s good for me. He’s a close friend of the family. Part of the reason I came to see you was to tell you that I can’t accept things like pie from you. I’m a oneman sort of woman. I don’t play around like that. Between that and the wolf thing, I don’t think we should see each other anymore. Don’t come by my house. Stay away from my family. You’re creeping me out.”

“I thought . . . I thought we were . . .”

“It’s not like that, Nick. You just misunderstood.”

Oh, God, this was making my chest hurt.

“Then tell me what it’s like!” Nick shouted. “You know, I don’t know what pisses me off more, you denying that there’s anything between us or you denying what you are. Do you know how much people would give to be able to do what you do? To be special? To be able to escape?”

“Oh my God, are you like one of those weird guys who post sexy sketches of half-animals/half-ladies online?”

“The term is ‘furry,’ and no, I’m not. I don’t like you because you’re a wolf. I like you because you’re strong and funny and loyal and smart. You’re special in a lot of ways. Being able to morph into a wolf is just one of them. And certainly not the one I will tell my friends about.”

“Why do you know the term for people who are sexually attracted to—You know what? Never mind. None of this matters, because it’s all in your head.”

He smirked at me in that ridiculously cute way of his. “Of all the things I just said, what you picked up on was my vast knowledge of sexual preoccupations?”

Under normal circumstances, that would have made me laugh my ass off. But I needed to pretend to be a normal girl, with normal tolerances for dirty jokes.

“I like you, Maggie. Why are you fighting so hard against liking me back?”

“You think I’m a mythological creature!” I exclaimed.

“OK, if I was willing to drop the werewolf thing, if I was just to become another tourist up here, enjoying the Alaskan scenery, would you reconsider?”

“You wouldn’t do that. You can’t. The supernatural crap, it’s your whole reason for being. It’s what makes you . . . you. And I wouldn’t ask you to give that up.”

“So, I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t?”

I stood up and slid into my jacket. “I’m sorry. Please, don’t call me. Don’t show up around my valley. Stay away from me and mine. Please.”

“Maggie, don’t—”

But I’d slammed the door before he could get out of bed.

AFTER I’D HANDED over my clothes and bag, Samson and Cooper let me run home solo. Given the way my face was all pinched up, I think they knew I needed some time alone. I ran until I thought my lungs would burst. I collapsed to the ground outside town, phasing to human and lying on my back.

I lay there, staring up at the pine needles shifting over the endless expanse of blue.