I whispered kisses across the hollow of his throat. He splayed his hand across my stomach, rubbing slow, tentative circles down until he reached the nest of curls covering my waiting—

Damn it.

Outside, I heard paws thumping against the damp ground, jarring me out of whatever spell we’d woven in that warm little space. My brothers had tracked me down.

My eyes widened as I looked down at my own naked skin, Nick’s half-undone pants. I’d almost—we’d almost—I shrank back from him. He frowned as I eased out from under him.

“Stay here,” I told him. He leaned forward to kiss me, but I ducked, reaching into the bag to pull the extra, extra sweatpants out. I climbed out over the tailgate.

The rain had stopped, leaving the woods with that cold, smoky-clean smell. The horse-sized russet-colored male was Samson. Cooper was the large black specimen. I tossed the sweatpants at them. “Hey, guys. Took you long enough to find me.”

They phased simultaneously. Cooper looked furious. Samson looked as if his head was about to explode.


“What were you thinking?” Cooper demanded. “Mom’s worried sick. She called last night freaking out because you hadn’t shown up. Samson and I have searched every run path between here and the valley. Why didn’t we think of looking in ditches for some improvised truck treehouse? And I just realized you couldn’t call because you had a wreck. Sorry, it’s taking me a little bit to work through the mind-numbing terror.” Cooper threw his arms around me. “Are you OK?”

Samson joined the group hug by nearly knocking us both over.

“Midget, you reek of . . . guy.” His eyes narrowed as he caught Nick’s scent. “Dr. Girlie Face? You spent the night ‘stranded’ with Dr. Girlie Face?”

“I’ll kill him,” Cooper growled

“Not until after I kill him,” Samson countered.

They both lunged toward the truck. I caught them by the scruffs of their necks and pulled them back.

“You’re not killing anybody. We got into a wreck. He’s injured. I whacked my head. I couldn’t phase to run home and leave him alone. He was a perfect gentleman.”

Samson and Cooper locked eyes. “We kill him anyway,” Cooper said. Samson nodded.

“Come on!” Cooper exclaimed when I shoved him back. “This is a time-honored tradition! Older brothers hurting and/or scaring the crap out of their sisters’ boyfriends. It’s the whole point of having a little sister!”

“Cut it out, Coop! And he’s not my boyfriend!”

“But—but!” Samson sputtered.

“Fine, fine,” Cooper conceded. “We won’t kill him because he’s interested in you. We’ll kill him because judging by the way your clothes are clearly thrown on, I’m assuming that he saw you naked or saw you phase. Either offense warrants me knocking the crap out of him.”

“I phased while I was asleep.” I cringed. “I whacked my head pretty hard and must have needed the beauty sleep.”

Cooper nodded. “Damned inconvenient.”

“So, he knows our secret? Much better reason to kill him,” Samson said, rubbing his hands together gleefully.

I snapped at him, “Samson, shut it. We just have to think this whole thing through. Now is not the time for one of the nasty, bloody overreactions you end up apologizing for.”

“Not this time, Maggie. This time, I have a well-thought-out three-step plan.”

“Hi, guys,” Nick said, limping around the side of the truck. “Look, there’s no reason we can’t—”


Nick made a startled “uhf” noise. His eyes rolled back, and he sank to his knees. Samson was standing behind him with a tree branch in his hands.

“Did I knock him out?” Samson asked, raising the tree branch over his head to strike Nick again.

“Are you crazy?” I yelled, dropping to the ground next to Nick to check the wound on the top of his head. “You could have killed him! This is your plan? What are steps two and three? ‘Find a shovel’ and ‘Dig a hole’?”