“Did you take a shot at Samson?” I asked. He nodded. I groaned. “And the brakes on my truck?”

“I thought if I came along and helped you, it would be a good ice breaker. But the lines failed before I expected them to. I was waiting at the halfway point, waiting for you to pass by so I could follow. But you never showed. I doubled back, and I found your truck. I found you with him—”

He turned on Nick. “What else?” I barked, demanding his attention. His head swung toward me, his eyes sharp and indignant. I softened my voice. “What else don’t I know about? I just—I need to know what I owe you, Lee. Please. I just want to make it up to you. Every single thing you did. I owe you. Did you set fire to my office?”

He sneered, nudging Nick hard with his foot. “Yeah, I thought it would be a good chance for us to spend time together. I called you up, offered my pack as backup for patrols. I wanted to show you how helpful I could be, how considerate. I made sure I was partnered up with you. But no, you took off, the first chance you got. You ran to him! I followed your scent to his house. I saw the two of you on his couch—”

I stepped closer, and Lee tensed. I moved sideways, drawing Lee a step away from Nick. I forced the corners of my mouth up. “What about the cliff ? Please explain to me what you were trying to do.”

“I wanted to show you how much you needed me. I figured I’d scare you, show you how easily you could get hurt. I’d rough you up a little and pretend to chase off the guy who was hurting you. That’s why I put the bag over your head. To keep you from seeing me. And then he came running after you and ruined everything again.”

“You rubbed yourself with dryer sheets to try to cover up your scent, right?” I interjected as he turned his gaze on Nick. “So I wouldn’t recognize it? That was pretty smart. Tell me how you came up with that idea.”

Lee must have picked up on the undercurrent of tension in my voice, because he shook his head and returned his attention to the rope. “No. You’re just trying to find something wrong with me. Like you always do, you’re trying to find some reason not to be with me. You drive me crazy, don’t you see that? If you’d just settled down with me, I wouldn’t have done all these crazy things. I never would hurt Samson or you or Billie—” He bit down on the last word, as if he could keep it from escaping.

My mouth wouldn’t seem to work right. “Billie?” tumbled from my lips in a mangled gasp.

“It was an accident!” Lee cried. “I didn’t mean to hurt her. Uncle Frank told me how you thought so much of Clay, like you were ready to make him your second. I went into the house to try to get some dirt on him, something to get you to stay away from him. Billie came downstairs and freaked out. She said I didn’t belong in her house, and she came after me with a kitchen knife! The crazy old bat almost nicked me. I pushed her back, and she fell and hit her head on the counter. It was an accident.”

“She was a sick old woman.”

“It wasn’t my fault!” Lee yelled. He glared at Nick. “None of this would have happened if he’d just stayed away!”

“No!” I cried, putting myself between them. Lee grabbed at my arms, shaking me. “This is my fault, not Nick’s. Don’t punish him for something I did.”

“This is your fault. You messed everything up,” he told me. “You’re my mate, mine! I’m supposed to be the one who helps you lead. I’m supposed to be the one you have babies with. This is all your fault!”

I shoved Lee away, putting some ground between him and Nick. “According to who? When have I ever even implied I feel anything for you?”

The sudden change in attitude seemed to shock him. He sneered. “You think you’re too good for me? You let him touch you. You’d be lucky to have me.”

“I didn’t just let him touch me,” I said, licking my lips. “He had every little piece of me. I chose him. I mated with him. I could be carrying his pup for all you know.”

“No!” he screamed. “You selfish whore!”

He phased on the fly and leaped at me. I jumped, blocking his body from colliding with Nick.

I thought of all the times I let my own fears, my stupid insecurities, my dumb-ass pride push me away from the only person I’d truly loved. And I pushed back. I pushed and I shoved, digging my paws into the dirt, scrambling for purchase.

Lee huffed, battering his head against my flank, trying to throw me off balance. He seemed to give up, turning on his heel and cowering away into the trees. I didn’t drop my guard. I’d seen Lee do this any number of times when he was roughhousing with my brothers. He’d act hurt or submissive and pretend to slink away, only to turn and suckerpunch his opponent. I braced myself for his coming strike.

He didn’t disappoint, turning suddenly and lunging, springing at me full-force. I pushed up, phasing to my feet and shoving my hands against Lee’s belly. I pivoted, throwing his weight over my shoulder. He yelped as his rear paws slid over the edge of the cliff, his front paws scrabbling over the dirt, catching Nick’s legs. He dug, trying to pull himself up, but all he was doing was dragging Nick over with him. I grabbed Nick’s arms, digging my heels into the ground. Between Lee’s weight and Nick’s, I could hardly hold them. Seeing that I held on to Nick, Lee bit down on the leg of Nick’s jeans. His eyes were defiant, daring me to let him die, knowing that it would mean losing Nick, too.

I snarled at him, grunting as I threaded my arms under Nick’s and yanked with all my strength. I’d managed to pull Nick’s knees up onto solid ground when I heard the sound of fabric tearing. Lee’s wolfen eyes widened as the waistband separated from the pockets of Nick’s jeans, and the denim lifeline he was counting on started sliding down Nick’s leg. Lee scratched and scrambled, but he was fighting a losing battle with gravity. His paws were still frantically clawing for a grip as he slipped over the rock face. He howled as his body hurtled toward the ground. I shuddered when the howl abruptly ended.

I gave in to the need to relax my arms for just a second, to ease the screaming muscles. It took that brief instant to realize what a huge mistake it was, as Nick’s weight shifted, and his legs slipped over the edge. “No, no, no!” I grunted, desperately scrabbling my left hand over the dirt to grip the end of the fraying climbing rope. As the dead weight of Nick’s torso pulled him away from me, I wound the rope around his wrist.

The rope slipped through my hand, burning and biting into the flesh of my palms as Nick free-fell. The elastic rope stretched under Nick’s weight as he dropped. The loop closed around Nick’s wrist and held him suspended as he flopped against the rock face. “Ow!” I heard him yelp. “What the hell?”

“Nick!” I yelled, leaning over the edge. The loose knot Lee had tied around the tree slipped open and let Nick drop again. He was now a good fifteen feet below me, hanging over the open maw of the mountain.

“Oh, come on!” I shrieked as the looped cord tightened around my hands again, tearing my skin. The bleeding wounds on my palms made the rope slippery. I couldn’t keep a good grip on Nick’s lifeline.

He squinted up at me, confused, angry . . . well, mostly confused. “Maggie, what the hell is going on?”

“I need you to calm down, OK?” I shouted. “That rope is frayed, and I don’t think I can hold you. I need you to find a good grip and climb up.”

“Using what?” he yelled.