“Smart-ass,” he scoffed, elbowing my ribs. “You spend a lot of time trying to make things come to you, Nola. Maybe it would best to sit back and relax and let something come of its own accord.”

“Because it’s the opposite of everything I hold dear?’ ” I asked.

“When you tried to force finding the Elements, did it work?” he asked.

“No,” I admitted. “Are you sure you couldn’t just drop me a hint or two about where you left the bell?”

“I could, but where’s the fun in that?”

“Even the subconscious versions of my relatives mock me.” I sighed, resting my head back on the fluffy pillows.

“Keep your eyes up and open, Nola. You never know what you might find.”


Magic is a living, breathing cycle. In other words, everything you do will come back to bite you in the end.

—A Guide to Traversing the Supernatural Realm

Despite Mr. Wainwright’s assurances, in the wee hours of June 21, I’d lost nearly all hope. The shop was a mess. We’d overturned nearly every shelf and sorted through every box, just in case we’d missed something. Jane and Andrea and I were sprawled across the few chairs not covered in boxes and books. Dick and Jed had gone out to visit one of Dick’s less-than-reputable contacts.

“I can’t believe I actually fooled myself into believing I would find it.” I thumped my head against the chair. “I actually thought I’d be able to track down all four. How insane is that? I mean, how arrogant could I be?”

“Honey, you got three out of four,” Jed said, patting my arm.

“That’s a majority,” Jane added. “And hey, even if you can’t bind the evil ice skaters, at least they can’t bind you.”

“But the Kerrigans are going to have their powers returned to them for the first time in two hundred years. That’s like giving an angry toddler an espresso and a box full of matches. You don’t know exactly how it’s going to turn out, but it’s probably going to end in flames and tears.”

“Also, I think Tonya Harding would be considered the evil ice skater,” Andrea said. “Nancy Kerrigan, no relation, was the victim.”

“I never liked her,” Jane said. “She reminded me a little of my sister. Big teeth, bigger ego.” She shrugged when Jed frowned at her. “Sorry, back to the point.”

“My family can’t leave Kilcairy.” I sighed. “The whole point of my coming here was to make sure we kept everyone safe so we could continue serving our neighbors. The McGavocks would never want to leave the farm, anyway. We’re going to have to get tougher, I guess, more aggressive.”

“You can have my Taser,” Jane offered. “And I’ll bet Iris knows where you can get them at a bulk discount. You could get one for every man, woman, and child in your village.”

“That might do it,” I said, chuckling. “Thank you both for all your help.”

“No problem,” Jane said. “But if you don’t mind, Andrea and I are going to retire for the morning.”

Andrea pushed to her feet and hugged me with a tenderness that had my eyes misting a bit. “We’re sorry to leave you, but if we stay out much longer, the sun will come up, and we’ll, you know, burst into flames. Which most people find very upsetting.”

“I’ll help her clean everything up,” Jed assured them. “You’ll be ready to open this evening.”

“Do you mind if I spend a little more time looking around?” I asked Jane. “If nothing else, I can pick up some of this mess. I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping anytime soon.”

“Sure,” Jane said, sifting through her purse and handing me her key ring. “Lock up when you’re done.”

“You’re giving me a key?” I laughed.

Jane’s lips twitched. “I think we’ve established that I can trust you. I’m sorry to run off on you, but again, spontaneous combustion.”

“Don’t be,” I told her. “You’re right. I’m just moping. If nothing else, I know the Kerrigans haven’t found the bell, either. Maybe I should just set fire to the other three and end this stupid feud.”

“Fire has been mentioned way too often in this conversation,” Andrea said, shoving Jane toward the door. “I’m switching you both to decaf.”

“Good night!” I called after them. I sighed and let Jed wind his arms around my waist.