“You trust me enough to bring me into your home, which I am absolutely sure is a first for you.”

“You don’t know anything about me.”

“Has any other vampire seen the inside of this house?” he demanded. When I bit my lip and crossed my arms over my chest, he smirked. “I didn’t think so. You know, it’s rather hypocritical to work for vampires but think that you’re too good to be ‘directly involved’ with our world.”

“I don’t think I’m too good!” I exclaimed. “I’ve just found that with a few rare exceptions, like Jane, you aren’t trustworthy. Vampires put their own interests first, no matter what the cost. If it came to a question of my well-being versus your survival, I would be drained faster than you could say ‘collateral damage.’ ”

“As opposed to humans, who are so generous and selfless.”

“I’m not saying we’re perfect, but at least we don’t eat people.”

He muttered something under his breath.

“What was that?”

“I said, some of you do!” he exclaimed. “Humans are just as destructive and selfish and shortsighted as we could ever think to be.”

“Well, you used to be human, so—so, suck it!” I yelled, flustered and sputtering.

He arched an eyebrow. “Suck it?”

“Not my most mature comeback,” I conceded, before adding hastily, “or an invitation.”

He smirked again. “You don’t strike me as the type that plays hard to get.”

I seethed. “Well, I can arrange striking you very soon.”

“Has anyone ever pointed out that you tend to use violence to solve problems?”

“Has anyone ever pointed out that your moods are about as dependable as cheap panty hose? It makes it extremely difficult to spend time around you.”

“Do you think I would be here unless it was absolutely necessary? You think this is easy for me?” he demanded. “Do you think I like needing humans? All I want to do is finish this job and get out of this backwater burg so I can get my life back!”

“Trust me, you’ve made it absolutely clear how you feel about being here!” I shouted back. “You’ve treated me and my home with nothing but disdain and condescension ever since you got here. Well, news flash, I don’t care what you think of me. The possibility of me being embarrassed by you pretty much ended when you threw up on me.”

He stopped, the irritation draining from his face as his mouth slanted into a grin. “I threw up on you?”

“A lot.”

He burst out laughing, chuckling so hard that his abused stomach muscles clenched and doubled him over, nearly toppling him against me.

“I’m so glad that my ruined clothes and personal trauma amuse you. Are we going to argue like this about every little issue?”

“I hope so. I feel a little bit better every time we do. And it’s … interesting to see you in the heat of the moment.”

I gasped indignantly. “Are you provoking me into arguing with you?”

“I wasn’t at first, but I can’t help it now. You’re just so pretty when you get upset. Your cheeks get pink. And your eyes turn this beautiful sharp blue, like lightning about to strike. And your mouth—”

“There is something very wrong with you.”

“There it is again.” He chuckled. “Pink cheeks and all.”

“If you continue to quote-unquote ‘charm’ me, I’m going to punch you in the throat,” I told him.

“You could try,” he shot back. Before he could elaborate on my flimsy human fighting abilities, he stood and listened, his head cocked to the side like a curious canine.

“What’s the matter?”