“I want to stay up and wait for Gigi. And I don’t want to leave you unattended, in case you get ideas about ambushing Ben in the driveway.”

“The damage wouldn’t be permanent!” he protested.

“You’re not used to this level of frustration, are you?”

“No,” he admitted. “I won’t say that the answers I need fall out of the sky into my lap, but I’m used to having the full resources of the Council at my disposal. I’m used to working out in the open. I’m not used to being frustrated. I’m not used to feeling weak and indebted.”

“You’re not weak.” I scoffed, nudging him gently again. He shot me a scornful look. “OK, for a vampire, you’re not in top shape. But compared with me, you’re still practically Superman … or at least Aquaman.”

“I noticed that you didn’t tell me I wasn’t indebted,” he said.

“Well, you still owe me about forty thousand dollars.”

“Ah.” He chuckled. “How could I forget?”

“I won’t let you, trust me. You’re not the only one who can track people down.”

“Why does it sound so intriguing when you say it like that?” He leered at me, leaning closer. I angled away, not quite ready for close contact yet.

Just then, the door swung open, and Gigi came barreling through, flushed and happy. When she caught sight of her sister in some sort of smoldering staring contest with our houseguest, she rolled her eyes dramatically. “Is all of this unresolved sexual tension going to become a thing with you two? Don’t make me get the hose.”

I straightened, attempting to look like the respectable adult I was supposed to be. I crossed to the front window, where I saw Ben sprinting for his car like his shoes were on fire.

Cal cleared his throat and straightened his shirt, trying to keep some semblance of respectability. “We could have this discussion, Gigi. Or we could talk about the fact that I heard Ben’s car pull into the driveway at least fifteen minutes ago.” His lips twitched. “What have you been doing all that time?”

Mouth agape, I turned to Gigi, who looked stricken.

Clearly, vampire hearing could be very helpful in parenting.

“Well, I’m suddenly very tired.” Gigi pantomimed a huge yawn and broke for the stairs. “Good night, all! Happy straddling.”

“You are really getting the hang of this whole teenager thing,” I marveled.

“It’s all about elimination by escalation.” He sighed. “You humiliate them before they can humiliate you. They seek shelter elsewhere.”>“See, you took a nice moment, and you took it too far.” I sighed, burying my face in his shoulder.

Gigi stuck her head through the doorway. She snickered and said quietly, “Iris, dismount the vampire and get out here.”

I straightened, holding the jacket out to Gigi. “Ixnay on the ampirevay,” I muttered, glancing toward Ben.

Gigi smirked. “You know that pig Latin went out with scrunchies and Smurfs, right?”

I warned her, “Easy.”

“We’re leaving.”

“Back by eleven,” I reminded her, then cut her off at the first sign of a groan. “Complain, and it will be ten-thirty … and if you’re not in that door on time, I’ll show up at the Dairy Freeze in my bathrobe, yelling your full legal name.”

“You wouldn’t.” She hissed.

“Try me. Now, have a good time.” I kissed her forehead. Gigi snatched the jacket from me, pulling Ben by the collar as she bustled out the door.

“Good night, Miss Iris,” Ben called as Gigi yanked him along.

Cal cleared his throat. “Remember what I said, Ben.”

Ben flushed red, then white, as he disappeared into the shadows of the porch.