Page 40 of Roughing

“Well, I am not laughing,” I say, trying to stifle my laughter. But I fail because a few seconds pass before I join him.

We’re hunched over, getting a kick out of what could have been an awful situation for both of us. What else can I do but see the lighter side to this situation? And it’s not like anyone even noticed what we were doing. If they did, he’s Sebastian fucking Prince. Heaven and Earth move for him. I doubt we would’ve even had as much as a lecture from a professor.

He pulls me in tighter as he glances at his watch—a gold Rolex, of course. “Looks like we have another class in thirty minutes. Wanna kill some time in the movie room at the SAC?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and it’s fucking cute.

I shrug. “Sure, why not?”

We stroll through campus, Bash with his arm around me and me with my hand in his jeans pocket. It’s as if we never stopped dating. Everything feels so natural around him that I have to keep reminding myself that Bash was almost my undoing last time. I have to be careful not to get too close until I know for sure I can trust him again.

But it’s nice to have this level of comfort with him. In all honesty, it would be nice to have this with anyone. Because how often does someone who you have amazing chemistry with come along? Other than Jessica, Bash is the only person on campus I had an instant connection.

When we first me, he was the perfect gentleman, despite his reputation. He had me fooled, placed under his well-crafted spell of lust and attraction.

“Do you remember the day we met?” I ask, curious if the day is just as fresh in his mind as it is in mine.

“Of course. How could I forget it? You’re not an easy person to forget, babe. It was the Delta Sig Halloween party. You were with Jessica and a few other girls.” He tucks me under his arm to make the room for a group of boys running toward us, barreling down the sidewalk like a herd of cattle.

“Watch it, assholes,” he yells, interrupting his train of thought about our first encounter.

“Sorry, Bash,” one of them calls out after they pass, which calls to attention the fact that everyone knows Bash.

Bash and his star power are all everyone talk about on this campus. Between Bash and the Mafia boss’ son who goes to Strickland University, it’s as if we have local celebrities walking among us nobodies.

“Where were we before we were interrupted?” Bash says, the warmth from his hand on my back leeching into my skin, leaving a brush of fire in its wake.

“We were talking about the night we met.”

“The best night of my life.” He smiles as he says this, and it has a mirroring effect on me.

“I find that hard to believe,” I quip, smirking up at him.

“Well, believe it, babe. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I was an asshole before I met you.”

“You’re still an asshole,” I interject.

“Hey, that’s not fair, and you know it.”

“Okay, fine, you’re less of an asshole than before.”

“Are you going to keep interrupting me or let me finish the rest of the story, smart ass?”

“Continue, my prince,” I say with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

“Like I was saying, you were with Jessica and a few girls you stopped hanging out with years ago. I can’t even remember their names.”

“That’s because none of them are important,” I add, thinking about the bitches who had bailed on me after my temporary mental breakdown.

“Anyway, you were dancing with Jess and those girls in the living room at the Delta Sig house. You were wearing a sexy nurse costume and the hottest red lipstick. My God, babe, your lips were what caught my attention first. All I could think about was, you know, what I wanted to do with them.”

“Figures,” I deadpan and roll my eyes at him. “And here I was thinking you were about to go all deep and meaningful on me when in reality, all you were thinking about was me sucking your dick.”

“That wasn’t the only thing I was thinking about,” he shoots back, defensive. “Will you just let me finish or not?”

“I’m dying to hear the part where you did not sound like an asshole, so please proceed.”

“Whatever,” he says, pretending to be annoyed. “The point I was trying to make before you also interrupted me is that I was a different person before I met you.”

“But you went back to being that person after we broke up.”