Page 31 of Roughing

I nod.

Doc looks up at Bash. “I thought you understood this the first time, but I will ask the same of you. No activities whatsoever. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, Doc, I get it. I promise this time I will follow your orders. We won’t even kiss on the lips until Tori is feeling better.”

Dr. Holland places his instruments back into the medical bag and comes to a standing. Hovering over me, he removes a bottle of Tylenol from his satchel and hands them to me. “Make sure you take these if you have a headache. Do not take anything with Ibuprofen in it, as it can cause bleeding and worsen your condition, and we don’t want that. If you get enough rest, you should be back on your feet in a few days. You’ll have to miss the first few days of classes. Just let me know your class schedule, and I can speak with your teachers about make up assignments and tests.”

I missed a ton of school after I lost my shit over Bash and ended up in the loony bin for almost two months. More time away from coursework is not ideal, especially when I’m back on track to graduate this year. What choice do I have? At this rate, there’s no way in hell I will be able to sit through a class on Monday morning. Maybe I can send Bash in my place to take notes. Well, if he doesn’t already have another class at the same times.

“Thanks, Doc.” I hold out my hand to shake his. “I appreciate you making all these house calls.”

“No thanks are necessary,” he says with a smile. “I’m just doing my job, and I want to see you get better and back to class.”

Bash slaps a hand on Dr. Holland’s back, thanking him as they leave my bedroom. He walks the doctor to the doctor, and a private conversation ensues, one that I cannot hear.

A few minutes later, the door slams shut and Bash waltzes back into my room, looking like he just stepped off the cover of GQ or Sports Illustrated. He’s so perfect, chiseled and tanned, the perfect All American boy. And here I am, laying in bed with my sweat drenched hair and vomit breath, wondering how I ever landed the attention of Sebastian Prince. He can have any girl he wants, which is why it still amazes me that he’s still here, desperate to have me back in his life.

Bash gets in bed with me and pulls the covers over us. He wraps his arm around my stomach, his touch going straight between my thighs. Despite the pain in my head, I still want Bash to finish what he started over dinner. I still want him inside me; our bodies tangled up in the sheets and connected as one. But the room keeps spinning as if I’m on a never-ending ride at an amusement park.

Bash pushes my hair back and presses his lips to my ear. “You should get some sleep, Queenie.”

“I’m not so sure if I am ready to go back to sleep. I just woke up from my last nap less than two hours ago.”

“Don’t be stubborn. You heard what Doc said. Rest is the only thing that will heal your brain. Trust me. I have been through this many times. I thought I was invincible and that I didn’t need to sleep it off and could do whatever I wanted, and I learned the hard way.”

“I remember the one you had while we were dating,” I say, resting my cheek on the pillow. “You threw up for at least a week straight.”

“Right, and that was all because I didn’t listen to Doc. I kept acting as if nothing was wrong with me when in reality, I was sick as shit and shouldn’t have been out of bed. Our relationship was so new that I didn’t want to leave you hanging until I got better. You were a big part of why I wouldn’t listen to Doc.”

“Oh, that’s just great. Blame it on me why don’t you?”

His laughter shakes right through me. “I’m not blaming anything on you. All I’m saying is that I was so crazy about you that nothing and no one could keep me away. I had to be around you all the time—even at the expense of my health. You had me from the start, babe.”

I smile at his words.

Only last night I had hated his guts and wanted nothing to do with him. And, today…well, things have changed since he took me home and comforted me. It doesn’t take long before I close my eyes, and my nostrils fill with Bash’s manly scent. Our fingers intertwine, and I hold his hand against my stomach, as I drift off to sleep.

Chapter 10


On Monday morning, the alarm clock wakes me, digging into my skull with the most obnoxious sound. I almost forget Bash is next to me and that this weekend wasn’t a dream until he rolls over to turn the damn thing off. He resumes his position behind me, tightens his arms around my stomach, and presses his lips to my neck. His erection is also digging into my ass cheek, coaxing me from my dream and helping to dull some of the pain in my head.

“Morning, my love,” he says, as he continues to pepper my skin with kisses.

“Morning,” I choke out, consumed by the heat that rushes through my body.

“You’re way too awake.”

“It’s all you, babe.” He grinds against me, long and hard and making me so wet.

It’s too early in the morning. My head is killing me, and I’m not even prepared for what Bash is doing between my legs. No matter how sick I feel, Bash still has ways of making me forget for a second that I am supposed to rest and relax. If only I could act upon my desires. I know Bash wants me just as much as I want him.

With the dull throbbing at the base of my skull, I will be lucky if I can make it through my classes today. We spent all of Sunday in bed, curled up with one another. Bash didn’t seem to mind. If anything, he looked happy to hang out with me and watch Netflix.

“How are you feeling?” Bash’s breath warms my earlobe, making it harder to resist him.

“I feel fine. My headache is almost gone, but I have a new problem.”