There were times when Angelo refused to let me come with him, so I’d taken it upon myself to follow him and Sonny. I never stopped to think he cared more about me than himself and would do anything to protect me. He was right about me being a liability, or better yet, I could be a casualty.

“Okay,” I whispered, still out of breath. “I promise. I won’t ask ever again. What if you need me?”

“That’s why I call Tony and his guys. You’re going to become a lawyer just like we had always planned. None of this shit is your problem.”

“We want the same things, Angelo. You were supposed to do them with me.”

“I will. I am.” He threaded his fingers through mine and gave my hand a good squeeze. “Let’s see how the rest of the year goes.”

His words chilled my blood, the coldness behind them shooting through my veins. I shuddered from his touch. “See how it goes? What does that mean? You’re not bailing on school.”

“Anything can happen with my dad. You know that, G. Things are complicated right now. My future could change at any minute, but yours is set in stone.”

“You are my future, Angelo,” I yelled with tears

in my eyes. “Don’t you ever forget that. The only thing I know for sure is, I’m going wherever you are. I don’t care if it’s to jail or college. Stop talking like we’re breaking up.”

“The only way you’re getting rid of me is if someone puts me in the ground.”

“I hate when you talk like this,” I snapped.

“Every war has casualties,” he said, devoid of emotion. “Loving you will be the death of me.”

We didn’t speak another word for miles. I had no idea what to say, and Angelo seemed content with the uncomfortable silence. He was acting like a jerk on purpose. It was all a ploy to piss me off, but it was also to keep me safe.

After we ditched the police, we made it safely to Morelli Motors. Fat Tony and the boys were waiting outside the fenced-in lot, some sitting on the picnic bench, while others leaned back in wooden chairs, drinking beer. The body shop was the chill spot for the Broad Street Burnouts, the street racing crew Tony led alongside his best friend, Chase.

Tony and Chase were as inseparable as Angelo and Sonny. They were two criminal pairs which were part of the same enterprise. I was the fifth wheel when I was with them. Not that I minded. It was nice seeing my man in his element, once he’d relaxed and was with his friends.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Tony smacked Angelo in the arm, shaking his head. “I thought this was supposed to be an easy job. What was with the security guard?”

Angelo shrugged as if we didn’t just get shot at. “How was I supposed to know the rent-a-cop had a gun? They usually have a flashlight and a baton.”

“That shit was fucked.” Sonny pushed a hand through the dark waves that swept over his forehead and looked at Angelo. “Next time, remind me to wear a vest. We barely got out of there alive.”

“It wasn’t that bad. Only the one guard.”

“And fucking Cujo,” Tony added. “If I hadn’t trapped that fucker in a room, one of us would’ve lost a leg. Next time, do your homework, Lo.”

Only people within his inner circle called Angelo Lo. I did on occasion, but Tony and Sonny used the nickname more than most.

“I did,” Angelo shot back, irritated. “He was new. That guy wasn’t on the list of employees I got from Pete. Don’t blame me, blame that fucking mammalucco!”

I laughed at his words. Angelo constantly questioned Pete’s intelligence. He thought his older brother was an idiot and hated him for being such an arrogant ass who never cared about putting his own brother in danger. Pete only put himself first. And maybe his father. It was hard to tell where his brother’s loyalties lied. All I knew was that one day, Angelo would be working for his older brother, and that thought made my stomach turn.

“The security guard had good aim,” Tony said. “I’ll get one of the guys to fix up the rental.”

Angelo shoved his hand into his jeans pockets and glanced at the damaged Expedition. “How long?”

“I need time to get a new rear window. The bumper we can get no problem. Give me about a day or so. Sound good?”

Angelo nodded. “Thanks, Tone.”

Sonny handed Angelo two beers. “Drink up.”

Angelo flipped the tops on the bottles and placed one in my hand. Then, he dragged me by the other toward the building.

“Where the fuck are you two going?” Sonny asked as if he didn’t already know the answer. He had the misfortune of sharing an off-campus house with Angelo.