I nodded. “I’m going with you.”

She threw her arms around my neck and squealed. “I knew you could do it. See, you don’t have to be like your brothers. I told you.”

“Gia, c’mon. We talked about this already. You know college is only a detour until the inevitable.”

Her eyes that were filled with happy tears turned to sadness. Even though Gia helped me with some of the shit I never should have allowed her to do for me, she still held out hope I would go straight. No such thing when you were a Morelli. I had one path, and mine was chosen for me at birth.

I lifted Gia up, and she hooked her legs around me as I pressed her back into the wall, digging my growing erection into her thigh. There were two times in my life when I felt something—when I was with Gia or committing a crime. I got turned on, even more, when I was doing both things at the same time. Fucking Gia after—or even during a crime—was a high unlike anything else. It was a rush of adrenaline she understood as well as I did.

“I need your help tomorrow,” I whispered against her lips.

“Is it something illegal?”

Her voice had too much enthusiasm. I hated the fact she insisted on helping me with the jobs my father forced me to do for him. Gia had no business getting involved. A girl like Gia deserved so much more than a Mafia Wiseguy like me. I would become a Made man after college and my father’s consigliere—his most trusted advisor. There was no denying the reason he’d agreed to send me to college. It was for his own selfish reasons.

I nodded, my forehead touching hers. “Yes.”

She sucked in a deep breath and let it out, her body trembling in the process. Without slipping my hand into her jeans, I already knew her panties were wet. Gia’s heart pounded for me, especially when I was doing something wrong. She loved it, and I loved her even more. Sometimes, I wondered if I did the bad shit for her more so than for my father.

“I want to kiss you,” I said, remembering Ma was waiting for me to finish dinner.

She licked her lips, inviting me to taste her. I wanted to do just that. “What’s stopping you?”

“Because once I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop.”

She dug her heel into my ass. “Shut up and do it already.”

I shook my head, amused, and clutched her tighter. Her warmth leeched into my body, sending a wave of heat down my thighs. The only thing I craved in that moment was Gia, but Ma would kill me if I didn’t get my ass back to the house with her basil.

I tucked a dark curl behind her ear. “Are you hungry?”

“For you or food?”

“I already know the answer to the first part of your question. For food.”

“I can eat,” she said, nonchalant. “But I’d rather have you.”

I lightly brushed my lips against hers, missing her heat the second I moved away from her mouth. “Good. Because I’m starving.”

Chapter Two


Two years later

I rented a Ford Expedition, covered the license plate with the stolen one Angelo had given me, and drove through the streets of South Philly to meet Angelo and Sonny. Even though Angelo hated me being involved with his business, he never told me no. I loved being the Bonnie to his Clyde. But he never let me do more than drive.

The sex after each job was unbelievable. Angelo fucked me like he wanted to possess me on a regular day. But when he was high from the adrenaline, he fucked me like he wanted to ruin me. And he did. Until I couldn’t speak or move. It brought us both a rush from doing something we knew was wrong. It was part of the reason we worked so well together.

Once I reached the waterfront, I drove the SUV through a dark industrial park lit by the few street lamps on the deserted block. No one was around, not a car or person in sight. Nerves bubbled up in my chest, but I pushed them back, forcing the sick thoughts from my mind. I thought about all the things that could have gone wrong. If anything were to happen to Angelo, I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself.

“Everything will be fine,” I said aloud to myself, sucking a deep breath, as I listened to the last prompt from the GPS on my phone and pulled into the driveway.

In the darkest corner of the lot, I spotted a van with tinted windows and four Mustang Cobras, all of which were black. Angelo’s cousins ran Morelli Motors, a body shop which was little more than a front for their illegal activities. They did the usual tune-ups and engine work to seem legit to outsiders. But to those on the inside, we all knew it was one of the many funnels the Morelli family used for drugs and other illegal activities. Anytime Angelo needed help with transporting stolen merchandise or drugs, his cousins and their friends were always there to lend a helping hand.

Every job was different, but something was off about this one. I scanned the empty warehouses, eying them suspiciously. Over the years I’d been nervous, but never like this. I could feel it in my bones.

What terrified me most was losing Angelo. He was my white knight in a world full of darkness.