Page 13 of Sex Therapy

“You know why I left, though. Don’t you? That makes this situation a bit awkward.”

“Do you not want the job?” He asks the question as if commanding the answer from me. His voice is so deep and controlled, yet soothing to my ears.

I missed Jackson whether I had realized it or not because being this close to him is drudging

up so many memories from the past. If only there were another doctor in this practice who could interview me instead.

“Yes, I want the job,” I tell him after a long pause. “I’m just afraid our past will effect our working relationship. But if you have no concerns and you still want to hire me, then yes, I would like the job.”

“You never finished college, I see. How come?” He stares down at my resume for a few seconds before he peeks up at me from beneath his long, dark lashes.

My breath hitches, the nerves caught in my throat in the process. I was never this uncomfortable, so unsure of myself around Jackson before. He hasn’t even said anything wrong. It’s just the aura he gives off and his new appearance that is throwing me into an emotional tailspin.

“I left with my ex fiancé in the middle of college.”

“Yes, I figured as much after the note you had left me. But why didn’t you go back to school and earn a college degree? You were always a smart girl, Chloe. You had so much potential.”

What can I possibly say to make this sound less sad? I don’t want his sympathy. Plus, it’s not like I would get any from the new and not improved version of Jackson King. Or should I say, Dr. King? He wasn’t a doctor when we first met. Jackson was halfway through his Ph.D. program at the time and working alongside his mentor and the professor who had taught my psychology class.

“Honestly, I don’t know. After I left the city and moved to Connecticut with Mike, I didn’t see the point in college.”

“Because he was going to take care of you.” Jackson analyzes me as if I were a specimen under his microscope. “Because he promised you something I couldn’t offer you. Those were your words, not mine.” He says the last part with a sour face.

This conversation is getting a bit too intense for a job interview. How do I transition to something job related when I have no idea what the job entails other than answering the phone and making appointments?

“Yes,” I croak, “Those are all valid reasons why I left. Are you going to make this about us or the job, Jackson, because I came here for an interview.”

“Dr. King,” he corrects in a serious tone. “If you are going to work for me you will address me as such. Understand?”

I nod my head. Words fail me. He’s so dominant and in control that I cower beneath his gaze. And I hate to admit that it turns me on. Where was this side of Jackson when I had known him?

He watches me intently, studying ever feature from my face down to my chest. Once his eyes land on my breasts, he licks his lips. He knows I am watching his every movement, yet he does something incredibly unprofessional on purpose.

Is he doing this to scare me away?

I saw how he treats Alexa, and sexual harassment of some form seems par for the course in this office. I should care. But I don’t. I like seeing this side to Jackson. If he had shown this to me years ago, I would have waited him out instead of running into the arms of another man. We were never together in the official capacity, but I would have given him anything he wanted. Now, we have a second chance.

“Yes, Dr. King,” I say, sitting up straight.

“Good,” he smiles as if he won a game, “you start at the end of the week. Alexa will work alongside you until she leaves, at which point you will take over for her and become my secretary on a full-time basis. Do you understand how this position works? Was it explained to you?”

Leaning back in my chair, I cross my legs, giving him my undivided attention. “I think so, but maybe you should go through everything you are looking for in case I missed something.”

He checks out my bare thighs in this dress for a few seconds before he locks onto me once more. When Jackson looks at you, it’s as if he’s staring through you, trying to extract all your secrets hidden deep inside. It’s intense, to say the least. I was nervous when I first walked into his office.

Now, my body is on fire, excited by the prospect of working with Jackson once again. I loved our late night chats about psychology and what makes people tick back in college. So, I can only assume that we will go back to the way things were in the past. Or at least I hope they will. This job could be a fresh start for both of us, a way to get to know each other again.

“One thing Alexa may have missed is that your job is not over when you go home at night. I am on-call twenty-four seven, which means you are as well. The answering service forwards all emergencies to my cell phone, but there might be times where I will need you to unlock the door for a patient in the middle of the night or some other strange request. It doesn’t happen often. I just want you to understand there is a possibility you will need to help me in any way you can.”

“I don’t mind helping you, Jackson,” I say, resolute. “If that’s what the job entails, then I will do it.”

“Perfect.” Jackson stands up, smoothing his hands down the front of his black trousers, bringing attention to his…erection.

Am I imagining things?

“Jackson,” I say, clearing my throat. “Um…I mean Dr. King. You do I say this without making things weird?” Then, I act like a child and point my index finger at his bulge. “You’re—”

“Hard,” he finishes with laughter in his voice. “What can I say, Chloe, you have a particular effect on me. Do you still want the job? You can walk away now with no hard feelings. I can already guarantee this will happen again.”