Page 11 of Sex Therapy

“No, you didn’t.” My anger with Drew radiates off me in waves. “Making a page is not enough. You have to follow through, post a picture, tell them about yourself, and then send them a message. We have gone over this, Drew.”

“That’s easy for you to say. Look at you.” He points his index finger in my direction. “I’m sure you have no problem getting a date, yet you’re not married. So, who are you to dish it out when you don’t even practice what you preach?”

“Just because I’m not married doesn’t mean a thing.” My teeth clench along with my fists. I have had all I can take of Drew and his nonsense. “I am unmarried by choice. Unlike you, I have no problem with women or getting it up. So, you see, your logic is flawed. Worry about yourself and your own problems. We’re not here to discuss my love life. We are here to discuss your lack of.”

“No, let’s talk about you, Doc.” He kicks his feet up on the coffee table to get comfortable, staring me down with a devious look.

Fuck this shit.

“This isn’t the movie Good Will Hunting. We’re not having a discussion about my life when you are here to talk about yourself and why you can’t have sex with a woman unless she’s on a screen.” I come to a standing and walk over to my desk to drop my notepad. “I think it’s about time you see another doctor. I have a few therapists I can refer you to in the city. We are not a good fit. You don’t take my advice, and the treatment is not working because of your lack of intent.”

“But you’re a doctor. You’re supposed to sit here and listen to my problems. That’s what I pay you for.”

With the pen in my hand, I scribble a few names of doctors here in downtown Philly onto my stationary and rip the page from the pad with a loud tear. “That is where you are wrong, Drew. I see no reason why you can’t find a girl to have sex with in person other than your lack of desire to find one. You are perfectly content with getting off to a porn star because you are too afraid to speak to a woman, and there is no medical diagnosis for that. Grow a pair, and your problem will go away. It’s that simple. If you are looking for someone to talk to every week, then I think you are better suited to one of the psychologists on this paper.”

I hand him the list, and he accepts it, keeping his eyes pointed down at the ground. He’s ashamed, and he should be. The fucker wasted both of our times for far too long. I have had enough.

A knock on the door is a welcome relief from the awkwardness in the room. Alexa, my secretary, steps into the room, leaving the door ajar. She’s planning to quit at the end of the week. Too bad because Alexa’s hot as hell and that Southern accent makes my dick hard when she speaks. She ignores all my advances, pretends I am joking. I guess you could say I sexually harass her, but she’s unfazed by it all.

“Dr. King, your next appointment is here,” she says in that Southern twang I love.

When I interviewed Alexa, I got excited about the promise of bending her over my desk. Even though I knew her stay in the city was not permanent, I hired her on the spot. Too bad no amount of convincing worked on her. She showed zero interest in me from the start, despite all my attempts. I should have hired

someone else, knowing she was only here for a few months, but secretaries come and go in this office.

Drew gets up from the couch and blows past Alexa in a huff, his cheeks puffed out in anger. He doesn’t say another word, which suits us just fine.

“Got rid of another one, I see,” Alexa says with a wicked smile.

I shrug. “You hated Drew.”

“Hate is a strong word. But I am glad to see Drew go. He was wasting your time.”

I sit down at my desk, and Alexa follows me, standing over me. Her breasts are spilling out from a tight black top that is not helping me when all I can think of is bending her over my knee to spank her ass. Only a few more days until she’s gone, out of my sight, and done taunting me.

I turn away from her, pretending to shuffle through the notes on my desk that are just random crap I forgot to add to patient’s files. “Who’s my next appointment with?”

“It’s not a patient. You said you wanted to interview my replacement.”

I wave her off. “You should do it. I trust your judgment.”

She leans over me, the scent of her flowery perfume trapped in my nostrils. “No, I think you should at least meet this one before I take her out for a test drive. The last three you didn’t like from the start. What if you have the same issues with this girl?”

Glancing up from my notes, I do my best not to stare at her cleavage. Her tits are hard to miss, so my eyes fall there first out of habit. I will miss her perky tits when she’s gone. Alexa’s chest has given me a lot to jerk off to over the last few months.

“It’s comments like these that I will miss when you are gone.”

“Stop speaking to chest my chest, Dr. King.” She lifts my chin with her index finger until our eyes meet. “My eyes are up here.”

I sit back and slide my chair away from her to give us some distance. We need it. Before she leaves this office for good, I need to fuck her on my desk and give her a farewell present she will never forget. If only she would submit to me just once. She has dangled the bait in front of me for too long. Alexa owes me a severance fuck.

Meeting her gaze, I focus on her eyes this time and fold my hands across my chest as I sink further into the leather chair. “How many applicants did you find to replace you this time?”

“Just one,” she says, throwing her hands on her hips. “She’s the perfect replacement. You will love her. I can already tell you two will hit it off.”

“Is that so?” The reasons behind her statement I need to hear. “I thought you haven’t interviewed her yet.”

“We spoke on the phone, and trust me she’s the right woman for this job. You are not an easy man to work for, Dr. King. But I think she can handle you.”