Page 53 of More than Friends

Instead of staring at her face, all I can focus on is the massive baby bump. My baby. As my skin grows hotter, the tension in my chest intensifies, knocking me on my ass. I sink into the soft fabric and grip the cushion for dear life. I lean forward, hoping it will help me catch my breath. “Call the doctor,” I tell her, staring down at the floor.

She comes up next to me and clutches my bicep with her tiny hand. “You’re having a panic attack. Control your breathing. Everything will be okay.” Kat sinks to the floor in front of me, holding my arm with one hand and her stomach with the other.

Duke was telling the truth. The more I think about Kat, the baby, and all of her lies, the harder it is for me to listen to her voice, as she tells me to take a deep breath.

Chapter 21

Five months after the NHL Draft


As I watched Duke beat the shit out of Dean on TV, I wanted to jump through the screen and murder my brother. I wanted to tell Dean in person. Duke knew that I booked and confirmed my plane ticket for this weekend. What a fucking jerk. Even the twins had kept their distance from Dean so that I could be the first to tell him. Well, I think the twins are pissed at Dean for not telling them about our secret relationship. They need longer to process the news of the baby.

Without thinking it through, I hopped on the next plane out of O’Hare and flew straight to Washington D.C. I had a ton of angry messages from Dean once I’d landed, but I ignored all of them with every intention to have the conversation we should’ve had months ago in person.

After telling Dean to breathe for ten minutes, he finally calms down, allowing me to brush my fingers on his arm.

He places his hands on my shoulders and stares into my eyes, holding me in place. “Why, Kitten? Why would you hide this from me?”

“I didn’t want to ruin your life. Things were already hard enough for you and your mom. A baby is another complication you don’t need to deal with.”

“You’re talking about my child. Our child. I would never look at him as something I need to deal with. I am not my father.”

“I know that, Dean.” I let out a puff of air. “That’s not what I meant. It came out wrong. See, this is why I wanted to have this conversation in person.”

“Why did you wait this long? How many months along are you?”

I get up from the floor and take a seat next to Dean on the couch. “Over seven months.”

His face twists in anger. “You’ve known for seven months and didn’t think to tell me sooner? I have to find out when your asshole brother is throwing punches at me.”

“He shouldn’t have done that. I am so sorry.”

“You’re right. If you had told me months ago, that fight wouldn’t have happened at all.”

“Duke will get suspended for it.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

She shrugs. “No, but I thought it would help.”

“He attacked me with brutal force and knocked out a linesman. He’ll be lucky if he’s off suspension by the end of the season.”

“Yeah, I know. My dad is pissed. You should have seen him on TV trying to report what happened between you and Duke. He even apologized on air to you and the league for Duke’s behavior.”

“It’s not your dad’s fault that Duke is an asshole.”

“He has anger issues.” I rub Dean’s shoulder. “I’m sorry he took them out on you.”

“Why are you here, Kat?” Dean sits back and rests his head on the cushion, staring up at the ceiling. “Duke already ruined your secret.”

It kills me that Dean can’t even look at me. I thread my fingers between his and hold his hand in mine. “Dean, please just listen to me for a minute. There’s nothing I can do or say that will make this situation better, but we can work on moving forward. Whether we like it or not, we are having a baby in two months. He will be here in no time. I didn’t want to burden you with all of this during your first year in the league.”

“That’s a shitty reason to keep this from me. I had the right to know about my son.”

“I know. I don’t know how many ways I can apologize. Not telling you will always big my biggest regret.”

“You know how I grew up, Kat. My dad was never around. I haven’t seen him in so many years that I can’t even remember what he looks like anymore. He left my mom with a mound of bills to pay and a kid. So, why would you ever think that I would do that to you? I want to be part of my son’s life.”