Only time will show them she can be trusted. So far, none of us have had any reason to doubt her. But Chase, most of all, is concerned that one wrong move on my part will land all of us in prison, especially given her father’s connections.

“I’m meeting everyone who’s important to you,” she says, threading her fingers between mine. “I guess you should meet my friends and family, too.”

“I know your friends.”

She snorts. “No, you don’t.”

“I talk to Shannon in class, and I’ve talked to Jordan a few times.”

“Not as my boyfriend,” she says.

“Why don’t you bring them with you to my game on Saturday?”

She smiles up at me. “Okay. Yeah. I can ask them. I’m not sure if Shannon will want to come, though. She’s pretty pissed at Jamie for what The Queen found out about him.”

“He didn’t kiss Cece. She did it to get him in trouble. She’s a bitch from his past who only wants to break him and Shannon up, and it looks like she’s succeeded.”

“Oh,” she whispers. “I had no idea. I thought he was a player like the rest of his friends when I saw the pics on Dethroned.”

“Nope. Jamie is the least douchey of all of my teammates. He’s a one-woman type of guy.”

“And what are you?”

I roll my shoulders. “I don’t know. Never gave it much thought. I never really dated anyone seriously because I was afraid of letting someone into my life.”

“So, you’d just have sex with girls and then push them away?”

My silence as I open the car door for her gives her the answer she didn’t want to hear. I help her into the seat and pull the seatbelt over her big tits, grabbing one of them in the process as I slide the buckle into place.

“Have you been with a lot of girls?”

“Enough,” I say. “Can we not talk about other girls? None of them were even memorable. You’re the only one I want.”

And that makes her smile.

I give her a quick kiss on the lips and then run around to my side of the car. Seconds later, we’re driving down Broad Street headed in the direction of Finn’s high school.

“How old is Finn?” Jade asks when I pull into the parking lot at the school.

Typing out a text to Finn to tell him I’m here, I say, “Fourteen. He’s a typical horny teenager. I’m sure he’ll hit on you. So, be prepared.”

She tilts her head back and laughs. “Oh, great. Now I’ll have two Kades hitting on me.”

“He’s harmless,” I promise. “But he’s going through that stage where he thinks every woman on earth is hot. All boys go through that.”

“Even you?” She smirks.

“Even me. My dick was hard all the time when I was his age. It was horrible. Everything turned me on.”

She chuckles. “It’s not like that for girls. At least, it wasn’t for me. I thought boys were cute, but I was too afraid to date anyone.”

“Why am I not surprised? You were afraid of your shadow when we met. I’m still surprised how much you’ve adapted to my lifestyle.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You were so uptight when we met.”

“Because you stole my car,” she snaps.

“Hey,” I say, pressing my finger to her lips. “Enough of that. Finn’s behind you. He doesn’t know.”

She glances over her shoulder, surprise scrolling across her face as she looks at my brother through the window. “Oh my God. He looks like your younger twin.”

“Don’t tell him that. Then, he’ll think he has a shot with you.”

“He might,” she says, laughing. “If you don’t stop being a pain in my ass.”

Finn tugs open the door, staring down at Jade. His eyes flicker over her mouth for a second and then travel down to her breasts and thighs. “Who are you?”

“Jade,” she replies, getting out of the car to allow Finn to hop into the back seat.

Finn moves the front seat forward, his lanky body barely fitting in the back.

“You can sit up front,” Jade says, seeing how uncomfortable Finn looks. His long legs are curled up to his chest, his backpack on the seat next to him.

“How about you sit next to me?” he offers with the same smirk I give Jade. We really do look a lot alike. The similarities are obvious. Finn pats the seat next to him. “There’s plenty of room, Jade.”

“Keep it in your pants,” I tell him.

He laughs, and so does Jade. She doesn’t seem the least bit phased by Finn hitting on her. Pretty girls like her are used to it. But Jade isn’t like every other pretty rich girl on campus. That’s why I like her so much. We’re opposites, and in this case, we attract on levels I never have with another woman.

“I’m hungry,” Finn growls. “Can we stop at McDonalds?”