Jamie started hooking up with Shannon a few weeks ago, and she’s a friend of Jade’s. Maybe Jamie will know where I can find her.

Chapter Four


“Miss Westbrook,” the police officer says to me from across the table, sliding a piece of paper in front of me along with a pen. “I need you to sign your statement.”

With a shaky hand, I reach for the pen and avoid Officer Miller’s intense gaze. Unfortunately, I could only wait so long before I called my father about my car. His lawyer showed up on my doorstep in a limousine and forced me to come to the local police station to make an official report. I doubt they will ever find the car. Lord knows where Killian’s hidden it. Police involvement is necessary for the insurance company. Otherwise, they won’t pay my father for the car.

As expected, he had someone from the Mercedes dealership deliver a new car to my sorority house. I don’t even need a car in the city, but my father insisted that I either have one of his drivers take me places off-campus or drive myself. Those were my options, so I chose the path of least resistance.

The last thing I need is one of his staff following me around and alerting him to my every move. I chose Strickland University for a reason. This is my chance to create some distance. My father wasn’t thrilled I chose Strick U over his alma mater, Columbia University.

I hate how much he spoils me.

I’m not a little girl anymore.

I don’t need someone to hold my hand.

Even from a distance, my father controls my life. That’s why I had considered not telling him about the car. But then I thought it would look too suspicious when he finally figured out it was stolen. Then, he might have assumed I knew who took it. And if that were the case, he would be right.

How would I have explained to the police why I waited so long? I guess I could have played stupid and pretended I never drove my car. Though, that would have been difficult considering my car has a tracking system. I’ve wondered since that night if Killian was smart enough to disable it. Obviously, he must have been, or he would be behind bars by now.

“Do you have any leads?” Mr. Frost, my father’s attorney, asks Officer Miller.

I sign my name at the bottom of the paper, confirming everything I told the police is true and accurate. Apart from the fact I know who stole my car, my statement is correct. If I hadn’t caught Killian in the act, I would have went on a wild goose chase looking for my car before I broke down and called Mercedes to track it.

“No, not yet.” Officer Miller takes the paper from my hand and pushes his chair out from the table. “We’re waiting to hear back from Mercedes. Once we do, we should have enough data to track the car. We’ll be in touch.”

Mr. Frost thanks the officer and helps me up from the chair. My entire body is still trembling from being put through this endeavor.

My hands are so sweaty and shaky that it’s making me even more paranoid. I’m terrified the police will find out I lied about what happened that night. I signed my name to a piece of paper which now makes me an accomplice to Killian’s crime.

He’s made me a criminal by association, and I haven’t even had the nerve to confront him again since that night.

But I will.


After everything is sorted.

I’ll march over to his house and demand he speak to me. I want to know the real Killian Kade, and I want to know what he’s hiding.

Chapter Five


Coach Bryant divided us into three-man teams for passing drills, with two us standing stationary, waiting our turn to make a figure eight around each other. I’m paired with Tucker and Trent Kane on this half of the ice, while three players occupy the other side, all while Coach Bryant watches from center ice biting on the end of the whistle hanging from his mouth.

After Tucker passes the puck to me, he takes my spot in the face-off circle, and I skate toward Trent moving the puck from left to right as I circle around him and back toward Tucker. I repeat the same motions as if on autopilot once more until it’s my turn to pass the puck to Trent.

Tucker and Trent are identical twins, but I know them well enough to tell them apart. They look alike, but they’re nothing alike in terms of personality. Trent is more focused and quiet, where Tucker is a loudmouth who never shuts the fuck up. He always has to be the center of attention.

Most people remember the fact that Tucker wears his short, blond hair spiky in the front and Trent’s falls onto his forehead. That’s how I differentiated them from the start. Their dad is Tyler Kane, the general manager of the Philadelphia Flyers. Like several of my teammates, their familial connections should take them further in their hockey careers. It doesn’t hurt that they also have the skills to back it up.