“Perfect timing,” he says as the car moves forward, inches past the black car next to us.

We come to a screeching halt on the other side of the invisible line, past the spot where a girl in a red bandage dress that looks like it’s taped to her slender body waves a flag.

“Did you win?”

Killian’s emerald irises meet mine. “Of course, I did.” He takes my hand and raises it to his mouth to suck the juices from my fingers one at a time. “I think you’re my lucky charm, Jade.”

We hold each other’s gaze for a moment before he pulls his hoodie over his head and hands it to me.

“Sit on this. You’re probably dripping on my seat.”

“Way to ruin the moment,” I joke.

He shrugs and then pushes open the door. “C’mon, I want you to meet Chase and Nate. Rome is about to race. We can watch from over there,” he says, pointing at the spot where a few of his friends are waiting.

“I need my thong back.”

He laughs. “No, you don’t. Let’s go.”

“But I’m still wet, Killian.”

“Good, then every man who can smell your sweet pussy will know you’re mine.”

My head spins from his words.



What does that even mean?

Am I his to fuck or his to keep? I hope it’s the latter.

I walk alongside Killian, practically connected to his hip. He’s so afraid to let me out of his sight for some reason. I love how possessive he is over me. It’s like I’m his property. I’ve never met a man like him—dangerously sexy and fiercely overprotective.

The first time I saw Killian at freshman orientation I thought, Mine. But I could never get close enough to him after that day. He kept mostly to himself or hung out with his team, never giving me a second thought. Not until our unfortunate circumstance brought us together did I get another chance. And now he’s calling me his… what? Girlfriend?

Killian isn’t the type of guy who dates. He’s not the kind of guy I’m used to either. I doubt he’ll ever plan out dinner and movie dates or take me for a carriage ride through Central Park. But his lifestyle is so… liberating. It gives me a rush I never knew existed, never knew I needed.

When we reach his friends, Killian hooks his arm around my back and pulls me tight to his chest. “Chase,” he says to the attractive blond to his left. “And Nate,” he says, looking at the cute, dark-haired guy to Chase’s right. “This is Jade.”

“You shouldn’t have brought her here,” Chase grumbles. “She already knows too much.”.

“She’s cool.” Killian touches Chase’s shoulder to calm him. “And she’s with me, so don’t be a dick.”

Chase stares him down for a few seconds before his intense expression softens. “Keep her under control.”

“I can hear you, you know,” I almost shout but keep my voice low. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”

Killian’s laughter shakes through him. It’s one of the few times I’ve actually seen him laugh for real.

Chase shoves his hands into his jeans pockets, glaring at me. “Watch your mouth, rich girl.”

“Hey,” Killian says, slamming his hand into Chase’s shoulder. “Don’t talk to her like that. She’s with me, and that makes her one of us now.”

Chase glances at me hard. “She’ll never be one of us. The second you get rid of her she’ll go running back to Daddy and the police.”

“Again, I can hear you,” I shout this time. “I lied to my dad, the police, and the insurance company to protect Killian. I will get in trouble if I went back on my word and told them I lied about all of it.”

“She’s right,” Nate says, speaking for the first time. “They could turn the story around and say she conspired with us if she retracted her statement.”

“Since when did you become a lawyer?” Chase spits back at him with venom behind his words.

“I’m not an idiot,” Nate counters. “It’s common sense.”

“I still don’t like her being here,” Chase mutters.

“I don’t give a fuck what you like,” Killian challenges. “You better get used to her being around because she’s not going anywhere.”

Chase peeks over at me before returning his gaze back to the road in front of us and mutters under his breath, “Must be some pussy.”

Killian unhooks his arm from me and guides Chase away from us, ordering Nate to watch me. They walk away arguing as they head toward Chase’s car.

“Don’t worry about him,” Nate says, moving next to me. “Chase will get over it.”

“He hates me, and I didn’t even do anything to him.”

“He doesn’t hate you, he’s just worried. We all are. But Killian must trust you, or you wouldn’t be here right now. You’re the first girl he’s ever brought to a race.”

“Really?” My voice sounds like a squeak.